She laughs. “Hugh and Sienna should be here soon. Hmm. What shall we start with? A relaxing massage?”
Send me in the direction of the bar.
“A relaxation massage sounds divine.”
She loops her arm through mine. “Can you believe I’m going to be a mom in thirteen more weeks?”
I close my hand over hers. “Yes, and you are going to bethe best mom.” Penny is kind and has so much love to share. Being a mom will come naturally to her.
We walk together, arms looped, toward the spa. Being with her is like being reunited with my twin. The world is right again. Everything around us is in harmony. Moments like these are what I miss most since we only manage to catch up once a month these days.
“And you’re going to be the best aunty. I need you to promise to be part of my child’s life. Because you’ve always been a big part of mine.”
We smile at each other. For as long as I can remember, we have had each other’s back. “I promise to be the bestauntyI can be.”
She leans her head against mine for a moment before we are greeted by a woman wearing a white shirt and trousers. She ushers us into a room with the background noise of birds and the sounds of nature.
The air carries hints of lavender, sandalwood, and lemon. I inhale the scent and let out a sigh.
“I’ll text Frank and ask him to bring us a green vitality juice with spirulina.”
I swallow. Not the drink of choice I had in mind.
Hugh and Siennaarrive in the afternoon. Penny orientates them to the hotel facility, and they decide to do the couple wellness package, starting with facials. Penny looks at me. “Are you ready to be pampered again, Zee?”
“I am heading outside to soak in the mineral spa bath. You guys go ahead without me. I’m saving the facial for tomorrow.”
She tilts her head to the side. “Why not have one each day? We’re only here for the weekend. After how your bosstreats you and your week at work, you deserve all the pampering.”
I smile at my friend. “The month from hell. Actually, it’s been a year.”
She places an arm around my shoulder. “Exactly. Do this with us.”
I have never been spoiled by luxurious gifts, nor am I one to indulge myself. It has taken years for Penny to accept it. Despite her now lavish lifestyle, she still fights for what she believes in, like protecting the environment and curtailing his family’s private jet usage, but she has caved to Franklin’s extravagant gifts.
“Yes, please join us. We’ll send the guys into another room,” Sienna emphasizes, rubbing her stomach, which is a slight bump compared to Penny’s very pregnant belly.
Our girly conversations will be hijacked by baby talk, and at the moment, I need to clear my mind. Talk myself into being excited. Weekend retreat. Going to be an aunty. Happy for my friends. Not sad and sorry for my single self. “Seriously, you all enjoy it as couples. I’m changing into my bikini and allowing the spa and sunshine to clear my head.”
Penny hugs me again. “If you change your mind, we’ll be here.”
I wave them goodbye and head to my room to change. I know Penny is looking out for me, but this weekend is for her. A special time to relax before the baby comes. She needs to have some time with Franklin and experience the retreat as a couple as his work consumes his life. And it’s nice to do the couples thing with another duo. Besides, I have been eyeing the hot tub from the moment I arrived.
After adjusting my bikini straps, I tighten the belt on the bathrobe. Then, once outside, I position my sunglasses over my eyes and inhale the air that has a little warmth remaining at the end of the day.
Springtime is nice, but I’m so ready for summer.
Six white, rounded pools rise up from the green, soft grass. Palm trees and tropical plants surround the area. It’s like a mini paradise. From here, I see the infinity pool that I intend to use later. Dropping my robe onto a pool lounge, I climb into the hot tub, rest my head back on a cushion, and close my eyes. All I hear is the gentle rumble of the motor and the bubbling water around my body. While champagne would be the perfect visual complement to this moment—all class and relaxation—I’m still not at ease.
It’s like Penny and Hugh have crossed a monumental threshold in their lives, and I’m stuck back here, uncoupled, not expecting a baby, unable to truly follow them.
My stomach balls up as tears threaten.
The worst part is I’ve spent so many years convincing myself I like being single that I can’t imagine being happy in a relationship anyway. And I don’t want children. Not in an I-can’t-have-them-so-I’ll-tell-myself-I-don’t-want-them kind of way. I actually don’t want children. Every time I make peace with it, other people judge my decision. So there’s really no way I could ever fully cross that threshold and live the same happy family life as my friends. I’ll always be outside their bubble.
Damn. This is not clearing my head. I focus on relaxing my mind completely.
I have no idea how much time has passed when I hear footsteps behind me. I sit up, and with the sun low in the sky, I shade my eyes to see who it is.