He laughs, the sound crystal clear in the quiet. “I won’ttransform all the way. Just partially.”
The next time he retreats, his cock swells, the golden swirls rising like ribbing, creating an exquisite sensation that makes my toes curl.
We both watch, enamored, as his cock changes. Smooth scales, raised ridges, expanding longer, wider. It’s… It’s…
“Fuck!” I come without warning, his length hitting a spot so deep I didn’t even know it existed. He growls my name, flooding me with his release. Adragon’srelease. There's so much of it that it spills down my thighs.
Fuck, I’m gonna have to find out if my birth control can withstand dragon cum. Actually, I don’t really care. I kind of like the idea of him filling me, breeding me, making me swell with his child.
He thrusts and jerks one more time, setting another rippling orgasm swirling through my body. Smaller, but no less intense.
Panting, we slide down to the floor, still tangled in each other.
“I think I love you,” I whisper, a little shocked to be saying it so early, to be saying it at all.
“You think?” He smirks in that handsome way of his that makes my stomach do little flips. “I know I love you, littleflame. Always will. Forever.”
He kisses me like he’s exploring me for the first time, like he’s promising me it won’t be the last time.
Something they talked about at the temple comes back to me and pulls me up short. “What did you mean when you asked Adrianna if I could transform during the next Goddess Week—whatever the hell that is?”
“Once every seven years, human mates can transform into dragons, like Jeslyn did.”
“Wait? Jess is a dragon! Ugh, you all have so much to catch me up on. You’re going to be paying for all these secrets for years.”
He circles his hips, making his cock stroke inside me. “Centuries, if you agree to transform.”
I balk a little at that, but I don’t hate the thought of Cyrus having centuries to make it up to me. “Best get started, then.”
“You’ll be mine? My dragon mate.”
“Um, I think I already am.” I snuggle into his chest, and he strokes my hair.
“Hmm, there’s that ‘I think’ again.” He drags one hand around my neck and the other up into my hair, gripping just tight enough to make me catch my breath. “I’m going tohave to fuck that out of you, so you’re nothing but certain.”
Still hard, he repositions us, so that I’m laying on the cold elevator floor and he’s kneeling between my legs. Lifting my hips with a bruising grip on my thighs, he drives into me.
“Look at me, my little flame, my Ra’ia.”
I didn’t realize I’d closed my eyes, lost to the sensation of him.
Peering up at him, I’m struck with a feeling so strong I can’t fully understand it. My heart feels like it’s bursting, like something’s trying to expand out of me and beyond me. I’m warm everywhere, and all I can do is stare at him with a softness that gives me a fluttery feeling in my chest.
“I love you, my flame,” he punctuates each word with a thrust. “I would wait an eternity for you, but I’m glad I don’t have to anymore. You’re mine. And I’m never letting you go.”
“Good. Cause you’re mine, too.” I reach up and pull him down into a kiss I never want to end.
As much as Iloath admitting it, I don’t hate Cyrus Ra’a. His best man, however, is a fucking asshole.
Cyrus wanted a quiet night out for his bachelor party—something I respect—so he planned dinner at a fancy steakhouse with the groomsmen: me, Jethro, Midas, Damian, and Otto. It’s an odd mix of Silver Horde and Gold Horde dragons, and even after a year of peace, we're still a little on edge around each other. But we're trying. And it's working for tonight. Sort of.
It would work better withoutJethro. The asshole keeps ordering champagne and forcing everyone to drink it. I hate champagne.
I just have to get through this infernal wedding, then I can stop pretending we’re friends for the sake of my Ra’a and her peace. A few more days, and I can go back to silently hatingthe horde that destroyed my future.