We watch as she leaves, accompanied by the men she brought with her. Cyrus lets out an exhale so long it’s like all the air leaves his body, along with all the tension.

“So, is it time for this party now?”

He chuckles. “Actually, we can’t stay for the party.”

“Why not?” Something tells me a dragon party is worth seeing.

“The things that happen here… well, let’s just say a human heart won’t be able to handle the music or revelry.” He takes my hand and kisses my palm. “Plus, I want to show you something.”

“Please tell me it’s your dragon dick because I’ve been dying to see that ever since I found out you can shift forms.”

“I’ll do more than show you my dick, little flame.” His eyes spark like fire and his lips curl.

My insides tremble with need, and I match his intensity with my own. “What are we still doing here, then?”

Hand in mine, we make our way to where Midas and Jeslyn are standing, surrounded by people admiring the baby.

“We’re leaving,” Cyrus says without preamble.

Jess gives me a coy smile. “Will we see you later?”

“Eh,” I shrug, “You ditched me a lot when you met your mate. Maybe I’ll drop off the face of the earth for a while, too.”

Dropping her gaze, she whispers. “I’m sorry, Fin. So sorry.”

“I already forgave you, Jess. It’s fine. I was teasing.”

Her smile wavers a little, but she nods.

“Honestly, I get it now. Whatever this is,” I wave a hand between Cyrus and me, “it’s a lot.”

Jeslyn looks at Midas, who wraps an arm possessively around her waist and stares down at her like she’s the only one in the room.

“It’s everything,” Cyrus says from behind me, holding me close in a way that makes me feel like I’ve come home for the first time in my life.

“We’ll be back at the penthouse after the celebration,” Midas says. “Will we see you?”

“No.” Cyrus kisses my neck as he walks us backwards. “I’m taking Finley home.”

“You mean to tell me you’ve had your own place all along?” I spin in his arms to face him. “Why the hell were you atMidas’s?”

His eyebrows lift as if to say,‘really?’

A giggle spills out of me. If I had the chance to stay with Cyrus or by myself, I know what I would choose, even back when he was pushing me away. Even when I pretended I didn't want him around.

“I’ll send over your things,” Jess says.

“It’s okay. I can pack my own stuff.”

My mate growls as if he disapproves, his grip on me tightening.

“I want to see my niece,” I say.

“You can get all the baby snuggles you want, but not until I’m done with you.”

“You can’t just lock me away, Cyrus.” I twist around in his arms so I can face him.

“That’s exactly what I plan to do, little flame,” he hums. “I’m going to chain you to my bed and take every orgasm I was denied over the past six years. And I’m going to do it while making you come twice as much.”