The Queen seems placated by Cyrus’s vow and walks forward, bringing me with her. Her nails transform to claws, and quick as a breath, she uses one to draw blood from Cyrus’s palm. I reach for him, and this time, no one stops me.
His arms wrap around me as mine wrap around him. It’s like the first sip of coffee in the morning, or jumping in a cool pool on a hot day. It’s relief and comfort and a brighter awareness than I had before. Like I was just trudging through, and now I’m fully awake.
Cyrus runs his hand up my back to grip my neck and pull me into a kiss, but before he can, Midas clears his throat, and my impossible dragon stops himself. He tucks me into his sideand whispers"later"in a way that makes me shiver.
Midas leads us into the temple. The Queen and her representatives follow silently behind us. The space is wide, with tall ceilings held up by massive sandstone pillars. Clearly built for dragons, not just humans.
My gaze immediately snags on my sister. She stands on a dais in front of two thrones, holding a bundle in her arms.
“Jess!” I gasp, letting go of Cyrus and running to her.
She doesn’t make it down the steps before I’m on her, throwing my arms around her while she holds the baby carefully between us.
“I’m so sorry.” Tears choke her voice. “I should have told you.”
“Yeah, you fucking should have. You’re going to grovel and explain everything to me later, but right now, I want to see my niece.” I smile down at the beautiful little girl in my sister’s arms, running a hand over her fluff of soft hair. “She’s perfect.”
I’ve never been a baby person, but my niece might change my mind. She’s got cute pouty red little lips and plump cheeks and the longest eyelashes I’ve ever seen. As she looks up at me, she makes a soft cooing noise that almost has me squealing.
“Is Cyrus really your mate?” Jess whispers, interrupting my moment.
“How the fuck should I know? I’m not a dragon.”
“But you like him? Feel inexplicably drawn to him?”
“Y-yeah.” I can’t stop the blush from creeping up my cheeks. Her smile is knowing as she looks past me. I follow her gaze to find Cyrus and Midas watching us with soft expressions. I swallow back the well of emotion that threaten to spill out of me in fresh tears.
“Just because Imighthave found a dragon mate of my own doesn’t mean you’re off the hook for keeping this a secret. And…” My throat tightens, voice almost closing up. "Jess, I called you so many times.”
“Oh, Fin.” Her arms wrap around me in a tighter hug than before, the baby carefully cradled between us. “I’m so sorry. I was just so scared. And then, the birth… we had some complications, and afterwards we were so relieved we just—” Her voice cracks and I feel wet tears slip between our cheeks. “I wanted you to be there. I really did.”
I’m not sure I would have believed her a few days ago, before I found out about all this, but I suddenly realize that Jess has had a lot more to deal with than I’ve ever imagined. She had her own battles she was fighting. Her distance wasn’t a lack of care, it was a misguided attempt at protection. She’s beencarrying a lot more on her shoulders than I ever knew.
I pull back just enough to look her in the eyes. “It’s okay. I believe you.” I swipe the back of my hand over my wet cheeks. “You’re still gonna need to explain some things to me though, because—”
“Ra’a,” someone interrupts. I turn to see Cyrus’s grandmother.
Hands on my hips, I glare daggers at her, but she just gives me a tiny nod, maintaining her stoic expression.
“The priests are ready,” she says.
Jess gives my hand a squeeze. “I’m sorry I couldn’t explain more before the naming ceremony. It’s… probably going to be a bit of a shock.”
“Eh, I’ve had so much shock in the last twenty-four hours I don’t think you can make it any worse.”
She studies me for a second and then steps away. Cyrus puts his arm around me and pulls me down the steps to stand just in front of the dais.
“Welcome, Court of Gold,” Midas bellows.
Everyone in the room grows silent. It’s the first time I've really noticed how crowded the space is. Men and women, all fucking beautiful of course, are standing in clusters aroundthe large room. They’re all wearing white, leaving me feeling out of place in the floral dress I wore to the ballet yesterday. Thanks to the gauzy fabric, it’s not exactly wrinkled, but it’s definitely worse for wear.
“It’s my honor to welcome you to the naming ceremony of my firstborn.” Midas’s jaw ticks and he looks to Cyrus for a moment. Cyrus nods in a way that almost seems to say, go on. “And I extend a special welcome to our guests from the Silver Horde.”
There’s a bit of a bite to his tone. Quiet gasps come from a few people in the crowd as they look around and spot the Queen of the Silver Horde and her entourage at the back of the temple.
“I will now present to you proof that your Ra’ia is my heir.”
“Ra’ia?” I wonder aloud, confused. Isn’t that what Jethro calls me?