When he walks away, accompanied by two men I don’t know, I turn to his grandmother. “Take me to see these fucking priests.Now.”
She cracks the tiniest smile before turning to the crowd of people still watching us. “The party is over.”
They break up in little clusters, no doubt whispering and gossiping about what just happened. Well, fuck them! There’s nothing scandalous about me being with Cyrus. I care about him. And I know—yeah, I really do know, without a doubt—that he cares about me.
After the attention is off us, she turns back to me. “Tomorrow.”
“Nope. Not good enough.” I put my hands on my hips and plant my feet. “Either take me to the priests or take me to my sister.”
“The priests are preparing for the baby’s naming ceremony. As are Midas and Jeslyn. Now isn’t the time.”
“I don’t know what a fucking naming ceremony is, but you damn well better take me to it.”
Cyrus's grandmother tilts her head. “You truly know nothing of our culture?”
“Fuck, no. All I know is that you’re all treating Cyrus like a fucking criminal and making a big fucking deal about two consenting adults being together.”
She hums softly under her breath. “I’ll ensure your passage tothe temple tomorrow. For now, goodnight, Ra’ia.”
She bows and leaves. Most of the rest of the group has already trickled out. The few remaining people give me cautious looks and hesitant nods before they follow.
Outside on the balcony, I try to make sense of what the hell that was all about. The sun has only just set and the summer air is hot and sticky, clouding my thoughts.
I don’t understand what just happened, and I’m not okay with any of it. They’re all assholes, as far as I’m concerned. How did Jess get involved with something so out there? And Cyrus…
From the railing, I look out over the city. It’s a nice night, warm but not hot. Lights flickering on as the sun sets. But all I can think about is Cyrus, alone in some kind of cell or something.
A sudden swoosh of hot wind blows my hair into my face. At the same time, five sharp points dig into both my shoulders. I scream as pain laces through me, and my feet lift off the ground.
My scream turns to a wheezing gasp. Iridescent scales. Broad wings. A long neck that bends to look down at me. Sharp teeth and glowing eyes. The world spins.
What is it? A giant… lizard? Ad-d-dragon?
I grab the talons that dig into my shoulders and try to pry them off, but we’re already too high. Buildings fall below me as we rise higher and higher through the clouds. My vision tunnels. My head spins. White light flashes in the corner of my eyes.
And then the world vanishes to nothingness.
Chapter 28
“Where is he?!”
I hear my brother before I see him. His voice thunders down the long stone corridor outside of the bare room in the Temple of Gold where I’m being kept.
The door to the small room crashes open, wood splintering from the force of Midas’s entry.
“What the hell were you thinking?” His nostrils flare and smoke. “Hooking up with Finley! I thought you were better than that! I thought I could trust you!”
Jeslyn is right behind him, a baby held in one arm as she grabs for her husband. “Midas, calm down. It’s not—”
“You deserve to be hanged, not just banished. How could you be so careless and impulsive? Was it worth risking all this,” hishand swings around the confined space, “for a fling?!”
Nostrils burning with the fire I hold back, I shoot to my feet, facing off with my brother. “A fling?! What the hell? Is this payback for not believing you when you met Jeslyn? Are you really going to doubt me? I learned my lesson! I understand now!”
“Payback? What?” Midas huffs a hot breath in my face. “If anyone is getting payback, it’s you. Are you really so bitter about me finding my mate that you’d take advantage of her sister?”