“Yeah.” I smile wide and proud. I’m not even embarrassed. I brush her hair out of her face and look into her eyes, cupping her cheek in my palm. “Don’t worry. I have an excellent recovery time. It’s just hard to control myself around you, Ra’ia.”
“I understand the feeling." She drops her cheek to my chest. "Why can’t I resist you, Cyrus?”
“Because you’re mine.” I kiss her forehead and it wrinkles under my lips. She doesn’t understand. She won’t until she knows what I am. But for now, I’ll just keep reassuring her.
And I know exactly how I’ll start.
Grinning, I sink to my knees, prepared to make her come again. This time on my tongue. Finley gasps as my warm breath hits her silk-covered pussy.
“What the hell is going on back here?” A voice exclaims.
“Fuck.” Finley shoves my head back, stepping away from me. “I forgot where—I didn’t—I’m so sorry.”
I casually stand up, dig my wallet out of my pocket, then face the older woman at the end of the hall. She’s got her hands on her hips and an outraged expression on her face.
“This is a family restaur—”
“Forgive us. It’s her birthday, a very important one, and I got a little carried away.”
“Get out. And never—”
“Don’t finish that sentence.” I hold out five hundred-dollar bills. She stares at my hand with an open mouth. “My girl likes this place. I promise to never come with her again—the temptation’s too great. Something about the smell of cinnamon and syrup just makes me want to lick something. I’m sure you can understand. Please don’t hold that against her. Like I said, I promise I won’t come back, but I need you not to ban her.” I push the moneycloser.
“I…” The woman looks over her shoulder, then back at the cash. “Fine.” She grabs the small stack of bills. “Butyouget out of here. Now!”
Finley’s still shaking, and I’m not sure if it’s from the orgasm or the adrenaline of getting caught, so I give her a little support, keeping my hand on her back until we reach her table, where I pull out her chair for her.
With a stern look, I give Aeson my command. “Make suremyRa’ia gets a good breakfast. She’s probably hungry, and I plan on her using up a lot of calories later.”
His eyes go wide. “YourRa’ia?”
“You meanourRa’ia, right? Because she’s our queen’s sister.”
“No. I meanmyRa’ia.”
Aeson looks like he’s about ready to shift out of his skin from nerves. If she wants me to shout it from the rooftops, I will, even if I haven’t told Midas yet. Hopefully, Aeson is smart enough to keep his mouth shut for now. Either way, I’m glad he’s picking up on what I’m trying to say. He needs to know that pursuing Finley would be challenging me.
To make it extra clear, I don’t bother hiding the stain on my pants or fixing Finley’s askew shirt or the messy hair she’s tooblissed out to notice.
I give him one last warning look, then kiss Finley’s forehead. “See you at home, my beautiful flame.”
Chapter 21
What the hell justhappened? I blink at Aeson, but he’s not looking at me. He’s staring after Cyrus with a strange look on his face.
As my rational brain comes back online, I realize how horrible it is that I just got off with Cyrus while on a date with Aeson. I can’t believe I did that! I basically cheated on Aeson on our first date. Is it cheating? It’s one casual blind date, with no commitment made, and I’m pretty sure he knows I’m going out with other people later. So… I guess it’s not cheating, but it still seems like a pretty shitty thing to do.
“I’m really sorry.” Running my fingers through my tangled hair, I try to explain. Although, what explanation can I give? There’s no good reason for what just happened. “I would never… I mean, not normally… Fuck, I’m a total asshole.” My forehead hits the table. “You can just take me home if youwant.”
A warm hand touches my elbow briefly before quickly pulling away. When I look up, Aeson’s expression isn’t judgmental or shaming, it’s kind.
“Look,” he says, “I can’t say I’m not jealous, but I get it. I should have figured it out sooner.”
“Get what? Is he always this stalker-ish?”