Yeva spots me first and comes over, dipping her head. “The baby is clawing her from the inside. If she doesn’t shift soon, or the baby doesn’t shift back to human form…” She shakes her head.
I cross the room to my brother and touch his shoulder. He slaps my hand away, not lifting his eyes from his mate. His face is scrunched in an expression of pain as acute as Jeslyn’s. I’ve never seen him so completely undone.
The contraction eases and Jeslyn quiets, eyes closing in exhaustion, swaying to the sound of the priests chanting.
“Please, my gold, my treasure,” Midas begs. “Please, shift. I can’t... please.” A sob silently shakes through him. My massive, larger-than-life brother, completely broken for his mate. A mountain bowed low.
“Get in the pool, Midas.” I’m not sure what urges me to speak, or why I tell him to do it, but all I can think of is how miserable I would feel if Finley was in the pool and I couldn’t hold her, how much worse it would be than the torture I’ve experienced over the past week. To see her in pain like that and be separated from her? That would be worse than death.
Midas shakes his head, while Yeva scolds me for the suggestion. “You know the pools are for birthing mothers.”
“Is it against the law?” I look at the priests, not Yeva.
One of them shakes his head, but they don’t stop their chanting.
Midas is in the pool in a flash of movement, holding his mate close. She groans, but there’s less pain in the sound. He's slightly calmer now, whispering words in her ear too soft for the rest of us to hear, rather than barking commands like I heard a minute ago.
“I can’t,” Jeslyn gasps, tears streaming down her face. “I’m so sorry. I can’t.”
She’s not talking to me, but I squat at the edge of the pool and respond. “You can, Jeslyn. You know how I know?”
She shakes her head. Her face is lined in pain and her lip bleeds from where she’s bitten it.
“Because you’ve been doing hard things your whole life. You gave up everything to raise your sister, and she’s the most incredible woman I’ve ever met. Passionate and loyal. Talented. Fiery as hell.”
Her eyes meet mine and there’s a question buried under the pain, but now isn’t the time to tell her about my mate.
“This baby is already proving to be a challenge. But I know you’re up to it. Shit, you even snapped me into shape whenI almost killed this guy.” I motion toward my brother with a half chuckle.
Another contraction strangles Jeslyn’s laugh. Tears stream down her cheeks, but she doesn’t scream this time. She buckles into Midas.
When the pain eases, I continue. “I won’t pretend to understand how much it hurts, but I know you can do this. If anyone can do it, it’s you.”
“He’s right, Ra’a, my diamond, my incredible gem,” Midas whispers. “Youcando this.”
“If she doesn’t shift soon…” Yeva shakes her head.
Both Midas and I glare at her.
“Just relax, Jeslyn.” I flick some water at her face, trying to be playful. “Stop trying so hard, and just be the queen you are.”
“I can’t,” she grits out the words, stiff as a dragon's scale.
“I know how to get you to relax.” Midas moves in front of her, and before she can protest, he’s kissing her. She moans, melts, and almost immediately scales shimmer over her skin. Not a full shift, but a start.
The priest’s chant falters, all of us amazed by what we’re seeing. All but me. I knew she could do it.
“That’s it, my ruby. So fierce.” Midas kisses a line down her neck. “You're my queen, my Ra’a, the Ra’a of the Court of Gold. The mother to my child. My beautiful mate.” He bites her neck. “Mine!”
In a flash of color and magic, water splashes up around us as Jeslyn goes full dragon, roars fire at the cavern walls, and births her daughter.
Chapter 19
On the morning ofmy birthday, I almost trip over a neatly wrapped present outside my bedroom door.
The hall is empty as I rip into the package. I’ve always loved getting gifts. Maybe because there were so few of them growing up. Jess did the best she could after our mom died, but there was never much extra to spend on superfluous things.