Chapter 10
She’s singing again, hervoice unexpectedly lovely. Untrained, but all the sweeter for it.
I knew it would be torture to be this close and not have her, but it’s even harder than I expected. It makes it worse knowing that her last boyfriend was such an ass. I mean, it works out well for me, but I hate that someone hurt my beautiful flame.
I want to show her exactly how she deserves to be treated. With care and concern, straight up adoration. I want to kneel at her feet and splay my heart open for her. The more time I spend with her, even just the brief interactions we have around the house, the more I want.
Her singing turns to humming, and I grit my teeth. Such a simple noise, but it destroys me. My dick throbs, picturing her lips around me, those noises vibrating against my sensitiveflesh. Moving without thought, I’m in front of her studio door before I realize what I’m doing.
Shit, what was I thinking? What did I plan to do? Barge into her studio and kiss her?
Forcing myself to walk away, I go straight upstairs, through my bedroom to the bathroom, and turn the shower on as cold as it’ll go.
Maybe I should call Midas. If I talked to him, he might understand why I can’t wait any longer. We’re close enough to her birthday that the law shouldn’t apply, right? This is a special circumstance. It’s not like this has ever happened before.
But it’s a useless hope. Midas can’t change the law just for me. It would set a bad precedent, and he’d need approval from the priests.
Stripping out of my clothes and stepping into the shower, I try to leave behind the tension I’ve been carrying. The icy water snaps me back to my senses, invigorating and calming at the same time. Cooling my blood.
In the massive shower, I allow myself to shift into my dragon form, needing to stretch my wings. Mindful of Midas and Jeslyn’s wishes, I’ve been careful to stay in human form most of the time so that Finley doesn’t discover something they don’t want her to, but it’s not like she’ll come into my bathroom.
Fuck, now I’m imagining her coming up here and finding me like this. But it’s not shock at discovering a dragon that I picture. Instead she’s in awe and completely unafraid. She steps right into the open shower and runs a hand up my massive dragon dick.Fuck!
My scales shiver. Fuck!
My body tenses. I can nearly feel her little hand trying to wrap the width of me. Fuuuuuck!
A roar builds in my chest. A roar I can’t let out. I open my mouth and guzzle the water from the shower head, stifling myself with a long cold drink.
This would be so much easier if Finley knew about dragons. If she knew, she would understand why I have to keep her at arm’s length. As it is, I can feel her frustration and disbelief every time I say she’s too young. She thinks I’m making excuses, playing with her. She doesn’t understand how serious it really is.
After my shower, I don’t bother shifting back. I use my long dragon nail to push the button that opens the sliding floor-to-ceiling doors leading onto the rooftop. Within seconds, I’m in the air. This isn’t how I want to work out the tension, but it’ll do.
I don’t go far. Just circle the building a few times, noting the four dragons I have on guard. None of us can be seen. By thegoddess’s blessing, we can hide ourselves from humans when we want.
I signal to two of the dragons before dropping to the rooftop to get a report.
“Ra’i,” Damian says, shifting back to his human form. He bows, his naked body tense, cock hard. Violeta lands beside him, her breasts tight despite the warm air. The three of us have had a dalliance or two when we were young. Dragons aren’t particularly rigid in our sexual preferences or exclusive until we find our mates.
One look at them and it’s clear why they think I signaled them down here.
“Report,” I say, a little sharper than necessary. I don’t want them to get any ideas. While it would be nice to work off this frustration with an orgasm, I’ve had no interest in anyone but Finley since the first moment I saw her. It’s been six years since my cock has known anything but my hand, and I don’t plan to change that now.
“There’s been no other sightings of the Silver Horde in the city,” Damian says.
“Should we cut back on the guard?” Violeta asks. “Their nearness could have been coincidental.”
“No. Keep a guard on the building, and at least two dragons on Finley any time she leaves.”
“Isn’t that overkill?” Violeta tilts her head to one side.
“No. It’s not.”
She steps closer, her hand trailing up my arm. “You seem tense, Ra’i. Maybe—”