The night she told me that was the same night she told me she wanted to have a one-night stand. I know she hasn’t done it yet, but I get the impression she’s thinking about it.

In answer to my question, she shrugs. “If you don’t want him, maybe I’ll take him for a ride.”

“Take him for a ride?” I wrinkle my nose, and she giggles. “How many mimosas did you have?”

“Not that many!” The flush to her cheeks tells a different story. “Okay, maybe one too many. What can I say? I’m a lightweight. But I’m not drunk, just awfully relaxed and randy.”

I study her closely as we make our way out of the studio and decide she’s right. She’s walking straight and not slurring her words or anything. Solidly tipsy, but not drunk.

“Cyrus?” I call as we make our way down the hall, unsure if he’s still in Midas’s office or somewhere else. Maybe he left for the afternoon. He hasn’t left the apartment since he moved in, but that doesn’t mean he’s still here now.

“In here,” he calls from the kitchen. Why do I feel relieved to hear his voice?

“I just wanted to introduce you to my friend, Sora, since she’ll be around a bit.” I turn the corner into the kitchen and see Cyrus making sandwiches with Jethro.

“Hi, I’m Soraaaa…” My friend trails off with a sharp intake of air, then turns and mouths,holy shit, to me, too tipsy to care that they saw herdo it.

Jethro chuckles and steps forward first, offering his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sora. I’m Jethro.”

She miscalculates the space between them and stumbles as she goes for his hand, practically falling into his chest. Her cheeks are as red as a cherry when she stands up and her mouth is still hanging open.

Jethro just smiles as she stutters over a few pleasantries.

“Would you ladies like to join us?” Jethro motions to the kitchen island which is spread with an array of food.

“No,” I say at the same time as Sora says, “Yes.”

While Sora and I have a silent argument with our eyes, Jethro pulls out a seat at the table. “Why don’t you ladies sit, and we’ll fix you something.”

“That’s okay.” I shake my head. “We’re really not—”

“A turkey sandwich with two tomatoes and no lettuce, please,” Sora says as she sits down. My best friend is never so straightforward. I’m usually the one unafraid to ask for what I want. Not her.

Taking the seat next to her, I lean close enough to whisper, “What’s gotten into you?”

“Nothing yet.” Her eyes follow Jethro’s ass as he bends over to get a tomato out of the fridge.

Okay, Sora might not be straightforward or good about asking for what she needs, but sheisgood at going after a goal. When we were in high school, she was determined to win student body president even though she was running against the most popular girl in school. She didn’t just make posters and talk to a few people. She made elaborate personalized gift baskets for everyone in our class and passed out fliers that detailed exactly what she’d do if elected. The woman is tenacious when she sets her eyes on something. And it’s clear she’s got her eyes on Jethro.

“I don’t know if this is a good idea,” I mutter to her under my breath.

“If I’m going to go to hell for having sex without being married, I want it to be worth it,” she whispers, “and that man,” she subtly tilts her head toward Jethro, “is definitely worth it.”

“Are you sure you haven’t had too much to drink?”

“One hundred percent positive.”

Within minutes, Jethro and Sora are the only ones talking, while Cyrus and I awkwardly steal glances at each other. At least Jethro seems genuinely interested in what Sora has to say. Even when she starts talking about her ex and shares intimate details that would typically make someone uncomfortable. Jethro just keeps nodding and offeringunderstanding. He’s definitely gaining bonus points from me. I’m officially bumping him up to top tier friendship material.

Once we’re all finished eating, Jethro says he can drive Sora home, and she immediately jumps on the offer.

I catch Cyrus’s attention and to my surprise, he seems to know exactly what I’m thinking. “You can trust him. He won’t try anything.”

But I still pull Jethro aside before they leave. “If you try anything while she’s vulnerable, I’ll cut your fucking balls off.”

He chuckles and brings a hand to his heart. “I’ll be a perfect gentleman.” He winks. “For tonight.”

I jab a finger into his chest. “This isn’t something to joke about. She just got out of a messy divorce and she’s been drinking. Promise me you won’t make a move on her.”