The evening descends in a wash of gold and purple, the sun dipping behind the mountain, casting long shadows across the yard as the last streaks of light paint the sky.
In the background, the football game hums, but no one’s watching. The final hand of Texas Hold’em is down to the wire, and somehow, Halmeoni’s winning.
We’re letting her, of course—not that it’s easy. The woman plays like she’s never heard of poker in her life.
She’ll call out “Go Fish!” and ask if we want to trade cardslike kids do with properties in Monopoly. But it’s her birthday, so, obviously, we do. Because on her special day, shehasto win.
That’s the rule.
When she scoops up her pile of chips, grinning from ear to ear, she looks around the table with a sparkle in her eyes. “I’m ready for Vegas.”
Dead silence. We all freeze, eyes flicking nervously at each other, and Colby’s eyes lock on mine, his expression practically screams,She’s joking, right?
Her bright eyes say otherwise.
Then Jules breaks the tension with a nervous laugh, and soon, the rest of us are chuckling, too, because we know better.
If Halmeoni says we’re going to Vegas, we’re going to Vegas.
Jules’s dad stands, pats me on the back, and gives a subtle nod toward the back door. “Let’s grab some air.”
Here we go.
We step outside, and the cool air slaps me in the face, a welcome reset from the tension inside. Jules’s dad reaches into his pocket, pulling out a couple of cigars. He hands me one like it’s the most natural thing in the world. “You smoke?”
I take it. “Every now and then.”
He lights both, and we each take a satisfying drag. Silence stretches out like a wad of chewed gum. And after what feels like an eternity, he finally speaks. “Did you tell her?”
I shake my head. “I promised I wouldn’t, and I won’t. For now,” I add. “What happened with Angi is ancient history.” Not to mention, I have no idea how I’d even start to explain.
He lets out a long, relieved sigh.
Taking another drag, he blows smoke into the night air, his expression softening. “I’m surprised, honestly. The two of youbeing married and all. I figured my Jules would’ve mind-melded it out of you by now.”
“I’m keeping it from her for now, not forever. First, we find Angi. Then either you tell her, or I will. Jules deserves the truth.”
He lets out a quiet laugh, the sound almost bitter. “Angi always did know how to put the people closest to her through hell, didn’t she?”
“That she did,” I say, regret creeping into my own voice.
“And Colby?” His voice sharpens, cutting to the quick. “You’re helping him?”
I don’t even blink. “You’re damn right, I am.” I know he’s caught between a rock and a hard place, but that’s not my problem. He can hate me all he wants, but I’m not picking Angi over Colby.
Not today. Not ever.
His frustration tightens. “What happens if you catch her?”
“What happens if I don’t?” I shoot back. “Colby’s career is on the line. His whole future. Yeah, she needs help, and I get that you’ve done what you can. But I’m not letting her drag him down with her just because she decided to take him along for a joyride on the Titanic.”
And I see it in his eyes. The moment he gives up. “You’ve got the resources now. The connections. If you’re set on finding her, I can’t stop you.” He pauses, glancing at me. “Just don’t be too hard on her. Please. I know how she always gets under your skin.”
“Yeah. Like a damn spider.”
After another stretch of silence, I pull out my phone, scrolling through the places Angi’s been spotted recently. “Doyou want to see what we have so far? Where we think she’s heading?”
He hesitates for a moment before his eyes soften with worry. “All right,” he says quietly, voice almost fragile. “Where’s my little girl?”