“When TMZ reached out to Kale’s people, they went ‘no comment.”
Shit. A ‘no comment’ response was as good as admitting that there is a relationship.
The door opened, and Lydia poked her head inside. “We’re ready for you.”
“I have to go film,” I told Alexandra.
“Call me back as soon as you’re done shooting. We’re running a story tonight.”
The screen went back to my generic golden retriever puppy, and a text message popped up. It was from Kale.
Kale:Sorry about the leak. PR thinks I need a boost because I’m trying to land a big role.
I sighed as I stared at the message. Kale and pop star Jessica Knight had been in a fake relationship for the past three years, which was equally beneficial to both their careers. But she’d recently met an Australian surfer and gotten engaged. I’d seen those headlines, but I had no idea I would be used as a pawn in Kale’s Hollywood chess game.
“Daphne,” Lydia called out again.
I lifted my head. “Yeah, sorry, coming.”
I’d have to deal with this later. First, I needed to go on a fake date with a man I think I might be in real love with but don’t even know his middle name.
If I had a Facebook account, I would definitely be changing my status to ‘It’s Complicated.’
“Okay,we’re almost ready. Just stand on your mark, and she’ll come around the corner.” Lydia instructed.
I moved to the taped mark she pointed to, and she walked down the park’s path beside the library, where Daphne had been getting ready.
When Ernie asked what I’d like to do for my date, I told him I would set it up. I didn’t like giving other people the reins. Plus, the date I’d come up with was personal, and I’d wanted it to be a surprise to Daphne. Even though Lydia assured me that they would not tell her any details, I wasn’t convinced. But they’d insisted on final approval. Apparently, they had to get permits, shot lists, and clearances, especially considering one aspect of my date involved animals. So much went into production that I had no idea about.
Honestly, the entire process had stressed me out. If it were anyone but Daphne, I would have bowed out. But I knew if I did that, they’d recast me, and she’d go out with someone else. Since I’d rather eat glass than sit at home knowing she was on a date with another man in my town, I decided to push past my control issues and work with Lydia and the production team.
It had been two weeks since she’d told me that she didn’t think it was a good idea for us to see each other since she was dating other people. And even though it had almost killed me, I’d kept my distance. It hadn’t been easy. Every day, I’d had to stop myself from going over to her aunt’s house and telling her that I couldn’t stay away. That I missed her. That there was definitely something between us, and we owed it to ourselves to find out what that was.
Several times every day, I picked up my phone to message or call her. I wrote out several texts but then deleted them. I scrolled through my contacts, and my thumb hovered over her name, but I always put the phone down.
She’d made it clear that she wasn’t interested in any sort of relationship with me. I didn’t have a choice but to respect her decision. Even if I didn’t agree with it. Even if I thought she was going to regret her decision. Even if I thought it was the worst decision in the world.
I did show up at the drive-in movie theater last Thursday toobserve, notspyon her and Dawson’s date, only to find out it was a red herring. He lied to me. He’d actually taken her horseback riding and on a sunset cruise.
Dawson thought his misdirection was hilarious.
I didn’t think it was that funny.
As I stood waiting for Daphne to come around the corner, my stomach felt like I’d eaten month-old sushi. I thought I might be sick. I felt beads of sweat forming at the base of my neck, and my pulse was racing.
“Hey,” Phil greeted me as he approached. He’d been standing behind his camera, and I wondered why he was coming over. “We’re getting some interference with your mic. I just need to change its placement.”
I nodded as he moved the clip-on from the front of my collar to the side.
“Turn your head back and forth and talk for me,” he instructed.
“What do you want me to say?” I asked.
“You can just say that but move your head back and forth.”