I walk through the silent offices and take the elevator to the ground floor. Ernest, the security guard, is on duty tonight and I nod.
“Good evening.”
“Working late again, sir?”
He shakes his head in sympathy, and I shrug. “Business first, Ernest.”
“Not in my world.” He chuckles and I note the unfolded newspaper on the front desk.
I know he has a family and it must be hard workingnights five days a week. I asked him about that once and he told me it kept him sane. He has six children, all under ten, and this is his alone time that he guards with his life.
I couldn’t relate. I’ve never had a family but if I do, you can bet your life I will enjoy spending time with them. I want to be a father. I want to be a good one and yet how would that work with Ana? She’s career focused and driven and lives half way across the world. I should let her go, move on and allow her to move on too, but I can’t. I will do anything to make this work and I’m even contemplating opening an office in Moscow. I’m the boss now. That could work.
I am deep in thought as I head into the bar and quickly check the tables to see if any of my staff still lingers. It’s eight thirty and they appear to have left for the night, so with a sigh, I decide on one for the road.
I push through the bodies, taking up floor space between me and the bar and as I approach, I check my phone for any calls from Ana.
The bartender says gruffly, “What will it be?”
“Whiskey, neat.”
“I’ll get that.”
A husky voice to my left causes me to raise my eyes and as I meet their reflection in the mirror behind the bar, a slow smile breaks out across my face.
“Bad day?” she asks, her voice husky and edged in the confidence the vodka martini in her hand gives you.
“Every day is a bad day.” I say coolly, and she grins.
“Then you should search for another job.”
“Who says it’s my job?”
“A woman then?”
“An important one.”
“She must be very special?”
“She is. You see, when she left, she kind of took my heart with her.”
“Ouch.” She winces and leans forward, her mouth dusting mine as she whispers, “I know a place we could go to search for your missing heart.”
“I’m listening.”
Her sexy accent stirs every emotion I possess as she whispers, “I believe you must wear a mask.”
My heart quickens and the seductive wink she drops in my direction causes me to reach out and run my hand around the back of her head and as I pull her close, I crush my lips to hers and leave her in no doubt how much I have god-damned missed her.
The sound of jeering and clapping goes on around us, but I am not interrupting this moment for anything. My woman is back where she belongs, in my arms and I swear to God, I will move mountains, so she never leaves my side again.
The last three weeks have been pure hell, but none of that matters now I’m back with James. When I saw him again, my heart actually fluttered and I definitely made the right decision to come back.
We waste no time in grabbing a cab and our lips are only apart long enough to tell the driver the address and as I lose myself in James, nothing else matters.