“What happened to your cheek?” Blake’s brow draws together, concern in his voice.
“Oh.” I cover my bruise with my hand, almost having forgotten about it. “I was mugged Friday night.”
“Mugged?” He repeats, shock evident on his features. “Where? What happened?”
“I was stupid.” I attempt to wave away his worry. “I went down an alley near my building when I was leaving the library. I should have known better. But they stole my bag. I lost my laptop, my ID and my keys.”
“They hit you?” This time it’s Lily asking the question.
I nod, frowning. “Kicked me in the ribs for good measure too.”
“Guess you won’t be going down any more dark alleys again, huh?” Lily jokes, although no one laughs.
“Uh, yeah, probably not.” I stammer, then change the subject. “So, what were you two whispering about?”
“You haven’t heard?” Lily taunts, sneering with a shake of her head.
“No…” I place my elbows on the table to lean closer to them. “Tell me.”
“Professor Walker got fired.” She gloats, like it’s the best news in the world. The world that just completely tilted on its axis as I digest her news.
“What?” I brace the edge of the table to hold myself steady. “Why? How do you know this?”
“Tim told me this morning.” She states like it should be the most obvious thing in the world.
“Tim, the professor’s assistant?” I clarify.
“Yep.” She smacks her lips together on the ‘p’.
“Why would he tell you?” I blurt out, still not believing what she’s sharing with us.
She rolls her eyes, snorting. “Because I’m sleeping with him, and happened to be in his bed this morning when Vice President Johnson called and asked him to take over the professor’s classes.”
My mouth hangs wide, my stomach clenching in fear at her proclamation.
“Tim said something about an inappropriate relationship.” Lily stares at me, a glint of something I can’t put my finger on lurking under the surface. Is she referring to his job as an escort? She’s alluded to it in the past, and we all joked about it during my aunt and uncle’s party over the summer.
I need to call Alex. I grab my phone out of my back pocket noting he hasn’t called or texted this morning. I rub my stomach and make a sour face.
“I’m actually not feeling that great. I think I’m going to skip class if the professor isn’t going to be here.”
Lily’s brow shoots up. “You know he’s not going to be back, right? He was fired.”
“Yeah, I heard you the first time, Lily.” I scowl, trying to figure out what her game is.
“Uh-huh.” She murmurs, her eyes narrowing as she watches me walk away.
“I’ll see you guys later.” I call over my shoulder, my head spinning over Lily’s news. As soon as I’m outside, I hit Alex’s number. Of course, it goes straight to voicemail. I send a text asking him to call me as soon as possible.
The locksmith was supposed to change my locks this morning, so I decide to go to my building to see if it’s been done. Even though it’s only been a few days, not having my things, or being in my own space has been disorienting.
Finally, luck is on my side, and the locksmith is just finishing up when I arrive. The building manager is with him, and hands over my new keys. I thank them and then enter my room, bolting the new lock behind me, finally feeling some sense of peace.
I try calling Alex again, but still don’t get an answer. I’m about to plug my phone in to the charger when it dings in my hand. Relief floods over me, expecting it to be Alex, disappointment washing over me when I see it’s a text from a number I don’t recognize.
I swipe the message, my knees turning to jelly as I collapse onto the bed, tingles zinging over every surface of my skin as I absorb what I’m seeing.
Looks like Summer is just starting for Professor Walker