Page 47 of Tempting Teacher

“And what about Ms. Knight?” It didn’t matter what the answer was because it would be a cold day in hell before I ended my relationship with her.

“She will be expelled from the class, and assigned a failing grade. She will also?—”

“No.” I bark out my protest. “I’ll resign, effective immediately. This was my mistake. She shouldn’t be held responsible.”

“Alex, you don’t get to dictate the terms of the punishment for your crimes.”

“Not my punishment.” I correct angrily. “Hers.” I rise, sliding my hands in my trouser pockets. “Do you know who her family is?”

Bob shakes his head. “I haven’t gotten that far yet.”

“She’s an Erickson.” I arch a brow. “Erickson Energy. She’s fucking royalty. You do not want to mess with her.”

Bob blows out a long sigh, his shoulders slumping. “You couldn’t go and screw around with a basic co-ed. Had to pick the richest one.”

I ignore his dig and continue with my original negotiation. “Put her on warning if you want, but don’t fuck her future up because I couldn’t keep my dick in my pants. I’ll resign, leave quietly. No one will be the wiser and no further damage is done.”

“You’re willing to throw everything away for this girl?” Bob scratches his chin as he considers my offer.

“She’s worth it.” I admit with a nod.

“I’ll expect your resignation by the end of the day.” He shakes his head. “Against my better judgement.”

“And Ms. Knight?” I press, needing to know she won’t get burned by this in any way.

“She’ll get a written warning, nothing more.”

“Thank you, Bob.” I stretch my hand out before him.

He slides his into mine, grimacing as he reluctantly shakes it. “For effectively firing you?”

“For my freedom.” I explain.

“I don’t understand.” He releases my grip.

“You don’t have to.” I toss him a wave, then stride to the door. “You’ll have my resignation by the end of the day.” I pause, turning back. “Do I have permission to clean my office out?”

“Just do it after hours.” He frowns. “That reminds me. You have thirty days to vacate the university apartment.”

“No problem.” I reply, knowing I’ll be out in less than a week.

“Good luck, Alex.”

“I’m already the luckiest bastard on the planet.” I shoot back, unable to contain the grin bursting across my face.

Chapter Twenty-Five


I’m nervous walking into class, hoping I can be in the same room with Alex for ninety minutes without making it obvious we spent the weekend in each other’s arms. My steps falter when I spy Lily at our table, sitting in my seat, engrossed in a conversation with Blake, their heads close together.

I had completely forgotten about Blake. Nothing had happened between us last weekend when he joined Serena and I for drinks. In fact, Serena had actually seemed smitten with him, asking me a hundred questions about him since that night. She knew I was ga-ga for Alex, and wouldn’t mind in the least if she threw her hat in the ring where Blake was concerned.

I had spilled all the tea to her last night about the incredible weekend I had with Alex, the sex, sex and more sex, and of course, that he told me he loved me. She was happy for me, but also worried. She wanted to know if he was still working at Temptations, and how I felt about the fact he was an escort. I think she went into temporary shock when I explained how he had stopped working there after his first date with me in June. At least, she was silent for more than three minutes, and that’s a record for her.

I feel strangely light without my laptop. I brought a notebook in case I need it, intending to try and replace my computer later today. Both heads turn and snap to me as I approach.

“Hey guys.” I smile and wiggle my fingers in a greeting. “What’s up?”