Page 44 of Tempting Teacher

“Stop.” I roll my eyes. “Just tell me I had a good time.”

“There is no doubt that you enjoyed every second.” His lips curve up, a single brow arching high. “I’d be happy to provide a replay, if you think it would jog your memory.”

I shake my head. “Not unless you’re into vomit, because I think that’s where I’m headed.” I jump out of the bed, slamming my hand over my mouth as I race to the toilet. I make it just in time, the contents of my stomach retching from me.

I feel my hair being bunched into a ball behind my neck, and try to slap him away, but end up needing my hands to brace myself as more of my guts spill out of me. I want to die. Mostly from embarrassment, and because I feel so utterly awful.

“I’ve got you.” His hand rubs small, gentle circles against my back as he continues to hold my hair. I rest my bottom on my knees, dropping my head against the crook of my arm, praying the worst is over. I’m never drinking again.

“Can I get you anything?” He asks softly.

“My dignity?” I choke out, moaning as a cramp seizes my stomach.

“Your dignity is firmly intact. Still the apple of my eye.” He assures me as his palm continues to soothe me.

“Still love me?” I check, lifting my head to peek over my shoulder at him.

“More than ever.” He bends, depositing a kiss against my neck. “Think you’re done?”

“I think so.” I nod, attempting to stand, his arm sliding around my waist to assist me.

“Let’s get you back in bed for a little while. I’ll get you some ginger ale and crackers.” I collapse back on the bed, the covers draping over me a second later as he tucks me in. “Do you think you can handle Advil?”

“Let’s start with the soda and go from there.” I plop my arm across my eyes to block out the light.

“You got it.”

“Baby?” I blink awake to the warmth of fingers brushing strands of hair off my cheek. “How are you?”

I yawn, belatedly covering my mouth as I realize my breath must be horrid. “Sorry.” I grimace, recalling my puking event from earlier. I attempt to yank the covers back over my head trying to hide. I have never felt more my age than this moment.

Alexander tears the blankets out of my grasp, his deep, blue eyes soft as he stares down at me. “You don’t have to hide from me.” He presses a kiss to my forehead. “Nothing you do will ever change the way I feel about you.”

“Ugh.” I groan. “Why do you have to be so perfect?”

“Trust me, I’m far from perfect.” He scoffs. “You give me way more credit than I deserve. You’ll come to see that the more time you spend with me.”

“I’ll believe that when I see it.” I mumble, noticing the sun is low in the sky. “What time is it?”

“Almost three-thirty.” He strokes his palm lovingly over my cheek. “I wanted to let you rest as long as possible, but thought you might want to shower before the helicopter arrives.”

“I wasted an entire day.” I frown. “Time we could have been spending together.” I push myself to sit up beside him. “I’m sorry, Alex.”

“You called me Alex.” He muses, tilting his head.

“Is that okay?”

“I like it.” He smiles, his eyes lighting up. “I was more concerned with how you were feeling.”

“I think I feel better.” I swing my legs off the bed and stand. “Thank you taking care of me. For letting me sleep.”

“Of course. Are you hungry? I can make you something while you shower?”

As if on cue, my stomach grumbles loudly, both of us laughing out loud. “I think that’s a yes.” I grin, rubbing my center.

“Eggs or grilled cheese?” He offers the only two options he knows he can make.

“Definitely grilled cheese.”