Page 35 of Tempting Teacher

I throw on a pair of jeans and a soft, light blue t-shirt. It’s the beginning of October, but we seem to be having one last surge of summer, the weekend’s weather predicted to be in the high seventies. I run my fingers through my hair to tame the wayward strands, and exit my room.

“I have an idea.”

Her head pops up. “Okay.”

“Why don’t you come to Block Island with me for the weekend?” I blurt before common sense catches up with me and I change my mind.

Her head tilts, her brow furrowing. “You’re asking me to go away with you?”

“It’s the holiday weekend. We don’t have to be back at school until Tuesday. And I called the locksmith earlier, and they can’t get in to change your locks until then at the earliest. So, I figured, why not take advantage? It might be nice for you to get away from the scene of the crime.” I rush out. “So to speak.”

“What’s in Block Island?” She inquires, her brow still scrunched.

“My family has a house there.” I try to leave it at that, but of course she presses for more.

“Oh yes, that reminds me. I wanted to ask you about that last night after your mom left, but got side-tracked.” She taps her chin. “Something about us being magnates. What exactly do your parents do?”

I blow out a long breath because I know what I’m going to say next is going to prompt ten more questions. “My family owns Walker Communications.”

Her mouth slackens, eyes popping wide as she regards me. “Wait. Your family? As in you too?”

“Technically.” I shrug. “I’m on the board. I have a salary, and a trust. It’s not a big deal.”

“I beg to differ.” She snorts. “Walker Communications is the biggest media conglomerate there is.” She shakes her head. “I don’t understand.”

“What don’t you understand?” I mimic, my patience already running thin.

“If you’re rich, and don’t say you aren’t,” she proceeds to roll her eyes dramatically, “why did you need to work as an escort to pay for school? Were you lying? And why are you a professor instead of working for your family?”

“I wanted to make it on my own.” I state, not without a bit of sarcasm. “I felt like I had to prove that I didn’t need my parents’ money or influence. I was young, immature, not even remotely as smart as I thought I was.”

“But you’re still an escort.” Her nose scrunches up as her eyes squint.

“Technically.” I drawl, not sure how much more I want to share with her.

“You are or you aren’t, Alexander.” She challenges. “Kind of like my virginity. Remember?”

“Don’t you know it’s not polite to throw people’s words back at them?” I retort, with my own eye roll. “If you must know, I haven’t booked an engagement through Temptations since June.”

“Since June?” Her lips purse in thought, her eyes widening when realization dawns. “Since you met me?” She surmises.

“Don’t let it go to your head.” I order. “There were many factors that went into making that decision.”

“Uh-huh.” She smiles sheepishly. “If you say so.” She pauses and then speaks. “I can go and stay with my aunt and uncle for the weekend. You don’t have to babysit me.”

“I’d like you to come with me.” I grip the back of my neck, cursing under my breath before I continue. I don’t want to come off like I’m desperate. “We’d be off campus.” I meet her gaze trying to be clearer. “No rules.”

“Oh.” Her fingertips turn white as she clutches the computer on her lap. “I, um, okay.” She fidgets in her seat, glancing away from me before looking back at me. “Okay, then.”

“Good.” I flash her a genuine smile. “I’m glad that’s settled.” I gesture to the laptop. “When you’re done, we can go to your place and gather what you need. We can call Cameron and give him a status as well.”

“Okay.” She nods, chewing her luscious lip to a pulp. I finally found a way to keep her quiet. I chuckle. I’m either making the biggest mistake of my life, or the best decision ever. She’s invaded my every thought for the last three months. It’s time for me to figure out if she’s just a temporary obsession or, as scared as hell as I am to admit it, becoming a part of my heart.

Chapter Nineteen


“We’re taking that?” I gape at the helicopter whirring to life in front of me.