Page 19 of Tempting Teacher

“Uh-huh.” I hum out, snuggling my body further into his, entwining my fingers into one of his. “Thank you, Alexander.” It’s the first time I’ve ever called him by his full name, but this meant so much to me. It didn’t matter that I paid him. Nothing could have ever been more special to me than what he just did and shared with me.

“You’re welcome, Summer.” He uses my name as well, and not Little Girl. His fingers squeeze mine gently, and bathed in his warmth, I fall asleep.

I wake many hours later, surprised when I see the sun shining through the one window in my room, but not surprised that Xander is gone. Other than covering me with a blanket, and the slight ache between my legs, there is no evidence that he was ever here.

I rise, stretch, then slide off the bed. I pause when I notice something on the bookcase next to the door. I pad over, lifting it, my heart stilling when I realize it’s the envelope of money I gave to Xander for payment. I turn it over, my breath catching when I start to read the words he wrote.


Being with you was an honor, never a job, and taking money would be wrong. I’ll cherish every moment as dearly as you deserve to be. Farewell my little one.

XO Alexander

I read the words over and over again, my fingers trembling around the envelope as I digest his message. He took something that could have been perceived as dirty, and made it clean with this one action. He showed me he cared, and I mattered, and that what we did mattered. I press the envelope to my heart, then hide it between two books in my bookcase. I smile, grateful and at peace, knowing I made the right choice in him. Yes, it was over, but I felt like I had just begun and couldn’t wait for the next chapter of my life to begin.

Chapter Nine


* * *

It’s my second day of classes at Columbia, and so far, things have been great. Of course, yesterday’s class was a course on climatology that I found utterly fascinating.

Today’s class, Advanced Physics, not so much. Math was a subject I could take or leave, and something I always struggled with. I technically should have taken it while I was at the University of Vermont, but didn’t.

It was a required course in the curriculum in order to earn my Master’s, so here I was, dragging my feet as I made my way into the math building.

I pulled out my phone to confirm the room number as I entered the building:

Advanced Physics

Professor A. Walker

Math Building, Room 108

* * *

At least it was on the first floor. Most of these older buildings didn’t have elevators, and lugging a backpack loaded with a laptop and heavy text books up several flights of stairs was not exactly the kind of work out I favored. I find the door labeled 108 and enter, surprised to see the room is already more than half full. I try to always be early, never wanting to be the student that bursts in late, forever marking herself with a great, big, giant X with the instructor. No thanks.

We’ll be doing labs in this class, so there are rows of tables, with two stools per table, set up throughout the room. There are only a few tables in the front of the room still available, so I weave through the rows and stop at a table where one stool appears to be free.

“Is this seat taken?” I ask the person at the table. His head is down, his hair a bit longer, shielding his face.

When he turns and lifts a smile in my direction, I practically swoon at how handsome he is. “It’s all yours.” He nods toward the stool.

“Thanks.” I fumble nervously trying to step up onto the seat, his eyes watching my every move as I finally get my footing and sit down, swinging my backpack onto the table.

“I’m Blake Davenport.” He stretches a hand out in front of me, a dimple appearing in his right cheek as his smile deepens.

Of course, his name is Blake Davenport. His middle name is probably James or Jeffries. He had that, I just got off a sailboat in Newport, Rhode Island, look about him. Sandy blonde hair, tan, dimples, strong chin. Trouble, that’s what he was going to be. I slide my hand into his, returning his smile. “Summer Knight. Nice to meet you.”

“I hope you’re the smart one, otherwise these labs are going to kick our asses.” He chuckles, folding his arms on the table as he leans toward me.

“I was hoping you were the smart one.” I jest back.

“Well, I guess that means we’ll just have to spend that much more time together studying.”

He winks playfully, his comment laced with an underlying suggestion, which of course causes my cheeks to heat. Before I have a chance to respond, a commanding voice drags my attention to the front of the room. My heart plunges to my stomach in recognition, my mouth falling open as I’m unable to hide my surprise as cool, dark eyes lock onto mine.