Page 16 of Tempting Teacher

“Yes.” She takes a sip of water. “For the next few years anyway. I just finished my Bachelor’s in Business at the University of Vermont, but I think I want to get my Master’s in Environmental Sciences.”

“You think you want to get your Master’s?” I press for more information.

She purses her lips a moment before answering. “Can I be honest?”

“Please.” I nod my head indicating she should continue.

“I just wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with myself yet.” She frowns as she continues. “I think I want to go work for my family’s company, but not yet. I feel like I haven’t even lived yet, and I’m not ready to box myself into a career I’ll probably be at forever.” She shrugs. “I figured, come to New York, see what it’s like. See what I like.”

“I think that’s smart.” The waiter appears with our wine, opens it, pouring us each a glass after I give my approval.

“I mean, Columbia will be good for me. It’s important for me to understand how I might be able to improve how my family’s business can provide energy in a way that’s better for our environment. There’s too much at stake for future generations if we continue to consume energy the way we do now.”

I’m impressed. She didn’t just want to live off her family’s money. She wanted to learn and work and make a difference in the world. It was a rare thing to find among the many rich women I’d encountered.

“What about you Xander? Are you just going to be a giga-I mean, an escort for the rest of your life?” She takes a large sip of wine. “How does one even get into that line of work?”

“Oh, Summer, you don’t ever hold back what you’re thinking, do you?” Sipping from my glass, I look over the rim debating if I want to share what I do with her.

I could tell her that I’m a professor at the very college she’ll be attending in a few weeks, but I don’t know if I want to open that door. Columbia is a big campus with many buildings and classrooms. The chances are slim that we would even encounter each other, but still.

“I’m sorry. I know that was rude.” She fidgets with the silverware next to her plate. “I guess I’m trying to rationalize why you have sex for a living.”

“Maybe because I love fucking. And it’s less complicating then dating and all the expectations that go with it.” The waiter appears as I’m speaking, his face turning crimson as he places our salads in front of us and quickly disappears.

She remains silent so I continue. “I started working for Temptations during my last year of school. A friend told me about them and I applied. I was good looking and I knew how to use my manners. It was an easy job that paid exceptionally well.”

“And you just never stopped?” She takes a bite of her salad.

“At first, I never slept with my clients. I initially did it for the company. I liked being around women, but loved that there were no strings attached even more. And then one time, when a date I was attracted to asked, I said yes. She paid me two grand to spend a few hours with her. Needless to say, after that, I rarely said no.”

“It sounds dirty.” She judges, her nose scrunching.

“You have to understand, these women, and sometimes men, are beautiful and intriguing. Not dirty, although sometimes the sex was. And I always wear a condom. Always.”

“And you like it?”

“Most of the time.” I drag a hand down my face, then meet her in the eye, revealing more than I probably should. “I don’t have to say yes. I can say no. And I do, more often than not these days. As priorities in my life have changed, so have my reasons for doing this.”

“Like you’re saying no to me.” Her voice, firm but soft.

Timing could not be better when the server shows up with our entrees, allowing me to escape responding. We split our meals, sharing with each other, the conversation turning to safer topics about the food and the restaurant.

We finish the bottle of wine, her cheeks rosier for it, and her overall demeanor much more relaxed. I pay the bill and call for the driver. We board the elevator, my hand staying on her lower back after I guide her in.

She leans into me, her body warm, my hand wrapping around her waist to hold her closer. She peers up at me, her irises so blue in contrast to her long, dark lashes.

“What is it?” I ask, curious what she’s thinking.

“Didn’t you say there would be kissing?”

Chapter Eight


A wide grin spreads across his face, dimples imploding in his cheeks, and I swear to God, my panties feel like they might combust from the heat that just sparked between my legs.

“Patience, little girl.”