Page 42 of Tempting Teacher

“Say you want the same thing.” I urge, scooting closer to her, my hand sliding up her bare thigh.

Her head tilts as she examines me. “What about the real world? I’m your student. We can’t do this.” She waves her hand between us. “At least, not in the city or at the university.”

“But is it what you want?” I press her for more. “Would you keep seeing me if you could?”

Her gaze is penetrating as she continues to analyze me, my heart racing at her hesitation, the next words blurting out of me, again without any forethought. “I’m falling for you, Summer. I’m not sure I can imagine my days without you in them now. You’ve burrowed under my skin, into my every thought, into my heart.”

“This feels too good to be true.” She shares her fear, sliding her hand over mine, lacing our fingers together. “And you know what they say about things that seem too good to be true.” She shrugs, sadness tinging her voice. “I’m so afraid it’s going to end badly.”

“You don’t think this scares the hell out of me?” I confess. “Summer, I have never brought a woman to my family’s home, to my apartment in the city.” My tone darkening. “Fucked someone bare, again and again and wanted more.” I shake my head. “This is different. You’re different.”

“I want to say yes, so badly, Alexander.” She blinks, so much hope shining in her reflection.

“Then say yes.” I implore, leaning forward, snaking my hand around the back of her neck to bring her forehead to mine.

“Please don’t break my heart.” She whispers. “I don’t know if I could survive it.”

“Don’t break mine.” I counter, sealing our fears with a kiss, then leaning back. “I want this. You. More than anything, Summer.”

“You’re going to make me fall in love with you.” She warns me, pinning me with her gaze.

“I’ll be here, ready to catch you.” I promise, kissing her again. I want nothing more than to scoop her up and carry her to my bed like a caveman, but know I need to give her body a break, so suggest an alternative. “Let’s go take showers. We can walk down the beach to a great restaurant I know.”

“That sounds wonderful.” Her smile radiant. “I’m starving.”

A few hours later, we stroll down the beach, hand in hand. She looks radiant in a dress the color of sunshine, a straw hat on her head, her lips coated in a pink gloss. Sandals dangle from her other hand as her feet amble over the wet sand, the waves lapping over her toes every now and then.

“Are you happy?” I wonder out loud, tugging her to me as I absorb every facet of her.

“Deliriously.” A wide grin gracing her face as she beams up at me. “Are you?”

“Dangerously so.” I acquiesce on a chuckle, stealing a kiss. “It’s a foreign concept to me.”

We continue walking down the beach, the restaurant looming in the horizon now.

“How so?” She coaxes for more.

I exhale, not sure how to explain but give it a try. “I’ve known pleasure. Felt moments of happiness.” I shoot a wry look her way. “Usually when I was buried in someone.”

“Alexander!” She swats my arm. “Gross. And also, TMI.”

“But see, that’s what I’m trying to convey.” I frown, struggling with my new found feelings. “It’s going to sound like such a fucking cliché when I say it out loud.”

“Just say it.” She demands. “I promise I won’t poke fun.”

“You are every god damn thing I never knew I wanted. Or needed.” I blow out a long breath trying to quell my nerves as I complete my thought. “I’ve never felt more complete.”

Her feet stutter to a halt, her body twisting to face mine, our hands still locked together, her mouth parted slightly as she tries to say something, but I interrupt. “I think what I’m trying to say, and not very well, is I’ve fallen in love you.”

“You’re in love with me?” She breathes out her question, her teeth capturing her lower lip a second later as she begins chewing it to a pulp, her brow furrowing.

“Don’t do that.” I use my thumb to tug her lip free. I bend, darting the tip of my tongue out to sweep over the now tender flesh. “I love you.” I murmur against her mouth, then seal my confession, crushing my mouth over hers in a deep kiss.

I pull back, searching her face for some kind of response, her wide eyes locking with mine. “I think this is the first time I’ve rendered you speechless.” My heart is thundering against my ribs, anxiety causing my pulse to race as I worry I declared my feelings too soon.

“I didn’t dare to hope.” She finally replies, her voice a whisper, barely heard over the waves lapping against the shore. She blinks rapidly, trying to keep the tears brimming in her eyes at bay. “I never thought it was possible, so I shoved my feelings so deep, trying to fool myself into believing I could keep things simple with you.” She shakes her head, a tear breaking free to slide down her cheek. “But I think I’ve been in love with you from the moment we met.” A soft giggle escaping as she smiles shyly. “How’s that for a cliché?”

“Say it again.” I demand, needing to hear it again.