“Okay.” Her lips form a tight line. “If you change your mind, or start feeling worse, you tell me.”
I nod again, then direct my attention to Xander, who is a few feet away, speaking in a hushed voice to Cameron. “I should call my aunt, or my cousin. They can come and get me.”
“Absolutely not.” He strides over, his features stern. “You’re not going anywhere. I want you here where I know you’re safe.”
Gabby darts a questioning look Xander’s way, and then towards Cameron, and I know she’s trying to figure out what our relationship must be. I wish I had an answer to that very question. She rises from the couch and walks to the kitchen.
"Xander, I'm sure I’ll be quite safe at my aunt and uncle’s apartment.” I try to assure him.
He sits beside me, brows drawn together as he slides one of my hands into his. “That may be, but I would feel better with you here. In my care and able to see for myself that you’re safe.”
I tilt my head, biting my lower lip as I study him. As usual, his behavior leaves me in a state of confusion. His actions saying one thing, his words usually another, but this time, his feelings seem entirely clear.
“I’m not your responsibility.” I murmur. “You don’t have to take care of me.”
“I want to.” His blue eyes lock onto mine. “Please, let me do this for you.”
I blink several times, then dip my head, breaking the hold he has on me as I murmur my acceptance. “I should at least call them and let them know what’s happened.”
“Let’s do that in the morning.” He stands. “After you’ve had a good night’s rest and a report has been filed.” He turns to Cameron. “What do you need from Summer?”
Before he can reply, Gabby is back and takes charge. “What Summer needs is rest.” She reaches out and places an ice pack in my hand. “He only had one in his freezer, but I’d switch it between your cheek and your side to help reduce the swelling and the bruising.”
She points to Xander. “Do you have some ibuprofen, Xanax, or some wine?”
“I’ve got bourbon.” He scratches his chin. “Definitely some Advil, but no wine or narcotics.” He cocks his head at Gabby. “Are you sure we should be giving her anything? What if she’s bleeding internally?”
“Oh, for Christ’s sake, Xander, she’s not bleeding internally.” She huffs and rolls her eyes. “You’re going to scare the poor girl to death.” She turns to me. “You got a good whack on your cheek and side, but I’m quite sure you aren’t in any danger of bleeding out on us.” She swings her gaze back to Xander. “When did you become so dramatic?” She flings a hand out. “Go get the Advil and whatever you have to drink.”
“You’re so goddamn bossy.” He grumbles, stalking out of the room.
“Try living with her, man.” Cameron jests, flashing a quick smile Gabby’s way, then moves closer to me. “We can talk tomorrow, Summer. Alexander has filled me in on what happened, the fact that you couldn’t see the perpetrator’s face, or anything else that might be helpful in identifying the mugger.”
I bow my head, my shoulders slumping. “I’m sorry I’m not being more helpful.”
He places a hand on my shoulder. “You’ve got nothing at all to apologize for. You’re the victim here and haven’t done anything wrong.” He squeezes gently. “Remember that, okay?” He takes a step back, releasing his hold. “And remember, you are completely safe here. Alexander will take good care of you.”
I tip my head up so I can look him in the eyes. “Thank you.”
“Of course.” He gives a firm nod. “Oh, when you can, make sure you call your credit card companies and let them know they’ve been stolen. Also, let the school know, as well as your landlord. I can have Gabby text Alexander the number of a locksmith to get your locks changed as soon as possible. I’m not sure if there’s anything we’ll be able to do about your laptop. Those are usually wiped immediately.” He frowns. “I’m sorry about that.”
Shit, I had temporarily forgotten about my keys. “Do you think they will try and break into my room? I have things there that are valuable. Some money and jewelry.” My voice begins to shake when I think about the possibility of a stranger in my room, going through my belongings, taking my things.
“Why don’t you write down your address for me?” He retrieves a small pad and a pen from his jacket pocket and hands it to me. “I’ll take a ride over to see if anyone’s attempted to enter your room, and I can also speak with the building supervisor to see if we can manage who comes in and out of the building tonight.”
“Okay.” I nod, and write my address, as well as my cell number on his pad then hand it back. “Thank you again for all your help.”
“Please, there’s no need for thanks. I’m glad we were close and able to help.” He reads what I’ve written and then stores the pad back in his pocket, turning as Xander appears. He’s carrying a tumbler filled with ice and brown liquid in one hand, and a couple orange pills in another.
“Do you even like bourbon?” He kneels in front of me, holding out the Advil. “Or should I get you some water?” His shoulders slump. “I’m sorry I don’t have much here to offer you.” He lifts one side of his mouth up in an attempt at a smile as he shrugs. “Wasn’t expecting company.”
“Is it good bourbon?” I scoop the pills out of his hand, toss them in my mouth, and then take the glass from the other and take a large swallow.
His brow kicks up, the other side of his mouth rising to display a broader smile. “It’s a Blanton’s single barrel.”
I hum in appreciation as the liquid travels down my throat and into my stomach, leaving a warm trail of heat in its wake. “Not bad.”
He chuffs. “Well, aren’t you full of surprises?”