Page 17 of Tempting Teacher

“Ugh.” I pull away, immediately missing the heat of his body. “I hate when you call me that.” The doors to the elevator slide open and I stride through, my heels clicking angrily against the marble floor. I hear him call my name, but I don’t stop.

His fingers wrap around my wrist, and before I can blink, he spins me around, and crushes his lips to mine. I gasp in surprise, my knees almost giving out when his tongue brushes against mine, dipping inside to tangle with it. He tastes like butter and wine and he’s so very warm as he pulls me flush. My arms weave around his neck to hold on, gravity seeming to no longer be a factor in my world.

After a few minutes, or maybe just a few seconds, I honestly don’t know, he pulls away, dropping one last soft kiss to my mouth as he does. I stare at him, my chest rising and falling with quick breaths.

“Will that do for now?” His voice sexy and low, one side of his mouth rising in a cocky grin.

“I’m just wondering what the lesson is here?” My hands still wrapped around his neck.

He laughs out loud, his chest vibrating against mine, his eyes bright. “Has anyone ever kissed you like that?”

I think about the boys, and yes, I think they must all be considered boys after the few short encounters I’ve had with Xander, and realize that not a single one ever left a fire burning in my belly the way it was now. My muscles tremble as I blink up at him, then shake my head once to indicate my response.

“Then you just learned what a good kiss should feel like.” He states, smugness in his tone as he straightens to his full height, one hand staying firmly on my waist. “Come on, the car will be waiting.”

I let him lead me, my mind too busy wondering if there will be more kissing or if that was to be my only lesson. I can’t deny that I want more, so much more than just that one kiss, as I slide into the leather seat of the car. When Xander’s settled, he gives the driver my address, his hand resting on my thigh, his thumb rubbing small circles against my skin. There is a naughty part of me that wants to spread my legs wide and push his hand higher, but I’m too afraid he’ll laugh, or worse, push me away. Instead, I swing my face to his and ask him a question I think takes him by surprise. “Tell me how a man likes to be kissed?”

“What?” His eyes widening.

“How do I know when I should kiss a man? And how should I kiss him? Should I pepper small kisses over his lips, or should I tease him with my tongue before I slip it into his mouth?”

“Just how much porn have you been watching, little girl?” His question is practically a growl.

“Enough to know that I’m not sure. There’s not a lot of kissing in those videos.” I muse.

He chuffs back a laugh, then wraps an arm around me to haul me to him. “Kiss me.” He invites, my pulse beating in my ears. “I’m telling you to. That’s how you know when a man wants you to kiss him.”

I lick my lips, my gaze sliding from his eyes to his mouth. I’m not exactly sure what to do, so I let my body take over and act on instinct. I tilt my head and with the tip of my tongue, swipe it across his bottom lip. His mouth parts and I propel myself against his chest as I seal my lips to his. My hand snakes up to grip onto the hair at the scruff of his neck and I tug, sliding my tongue against his when his mouth opens wider. He shifts my body so that I’m sitting across his lap, his arousal pressing into my thigh, my other hand moving to clench the material of his shirt in my fist.

I drag my mouth off his to leave a trail of kisses across his cheek until I reach his ear. I sweep my tongue around his lobe, and then nibble, my breath hot as I feel it blow into his ear. He groans, and it feels powerful, knowing my kiss is making him feel this way. To have him react to me this way. My lips curve up in a small smile of triumph as I whisper in his ear. “Is that how little girls kiss?”

His hand latches onto my hair, yanking me back so my face is even with his, a wicked gleam in his eyes. “That’s the kind of kiss that will get you in trouble.”

“I think we both know the trouble I want to get into with you.”

His eyes lock onto mine, staring into them for several long seconds before he slides me off his lap. “Summer, don’t push this. Not now when all I want to do is lift your skirt, bend you over this seat and fuck you.”

“I’m asking you to fuck me.” I remind him. I turn my body to his and plead my case again. “Xander, you tell me that when I have sex with someone it should be special, and with someone I care about. Someone who will know what I want and make sure the experience is something I’ll treasure and remember fondly.”

“I know what I said, and I mean it.” He confirms.

“You are that person for me.” I clutch his hand between mine and press it to my chest. “I’ve shared more about myself with you than anyone. I care about you, and know being with you would be special and something I will always remember and cherish. To know and understand what it should feel like to be made love to.” He rolls his eyes, so I correct myself. “Okay, to be fucked properly.”

The car stops and the driver turns as he opens the door. “I’ll wait outside, sir.” Holy shit, I just shared all that with the driver too. I was so caught up in the moment that I didn’t even realize. I feel my face flame as I peek back at Xander to find him looking intently at me.

“Let me walk you up to your room. It’s dark now.” Disappointment floods through me as he steps out of the car and moves around to my side to help me out. I take his hand, his hold tightening when I’m out the car, keeping me close. He pauses and speaks to the driver. “You don’t have to wait.” Hope blooms in my chest, until I hear what he says next. “I live a couple of blocks away and want to walk home.”

Dreading what happens next, I attempt to end things here on the sidewalk instead of in a hallway upstairs. “I’m fine from here. You don’t have to escort me.” The double meaning of my words purely accidental, but no less true.

“No.” He tugs my hand and starts toward the doors of the building, making it clear he isn’t going to change his mind. “I’ll see you in.”

We take the elevator to the third floor, my fingers still entwined with his in a vise like hold. We exit and walk in silence down the hall, stopping when we reach my room. I try to slide my hand out of his so I can grab my keys from my clutch, but his grip tightens as he lifts it above my head and pushes my back up against the door. He steps into my space, tilting into me, his normally light eyes, dark as he peers down. “I want to take you inside this room and do everything you want me to, but I’m afraid it’s going to mean more to you than it should.”

“So what if it does.” I blink, my heart racing inside my chest. I lick my lips, dry from the short breaths racing in and out of me. “Something like this should be special to me, but I’m not foolish enough to confuse it for anything other than what it is for you.”

“And just what do you think this is?” His mouth just an inch from mine, his eyes darting back and forth.

“Your job.” I breathe out softly.