He shook his head. “She’s not in NewYork?”
He watched as Robert walked back to the table, pulling his coat off the chair he had hung it on earlier, and began to put it on. “No, she left in November. She’s writing, if you can believethat.”
A small smile appeared across his lips. “I can, actually.”
“You should go see her, son. My secrets and lies have caused enough heartache. Don’t let it come between what you obviously still feel forher.”
Gage watched him silently, absorbing everything he had just learned, and could only nod hishead.
Robert approached him and extended his hand. “Thank you for listening. I truly wish that I had done this sooner, but I hope having the complete story eases some of yourpain.”
He stared down at the hand stretched out before him and, without conscious thought, reached out and grasped it firmly in his own, pumping it once before letting go. He watched the man who had scarred so much of his life walk out his door and wondered what he was supposed to donow.
Four DaysLater
Hope watchedas a light snow fell outside and left another clean layer of white, fluffy powder on the already growing drifts at the window. It had been snowing most of the morning, but curled up under a blanket in front of the fire left her little cause for concern.
She was working on a coming of age story that had always prickled in the back of her mind. Writing had always been a long-term goal for her, but given all the events that had occurred over the last few months, the timing of things had been turned up a notch. Lord knows she had enough money, between the trust fund her father had established for her long ago and the money she had earned while working.
Thinking of her father and all they had gone through over the last few months drew a long sigh out of her. She missed him, but she still needed more time to forgive him. And she knew she would eventually. Time did, in fact, heal all wounds. Well, maybe not all wounds. Thinking about Gage still caused an ache in her heart that compared to a knife piercing through its very core. But at least she didn’t cry anymore whenever she thought of him. That was progress, she supposed.
She turned her attention back to her computer and stared again at the words she had typed out over the last few hours. She was about to begin typing again when a knock came from the door. Placing the laptop on the cushion beside her, Hope lifted the covers off her as she rose from the couch. She slid her feet into the comfy pair of fur-lined slippers lying next to the couch and scuffled to thedoor.
Walter always liked to stop by and check on her when the snow began falling. Opening the door, she yelped in surprise when the last person she expected to see stood beforeher.
“Gage! Oh my God! What are you doinghere?”
She watched as a huge smile bloomed across his face, the adorable crinkles she’d come to love lifting and lining the corners of his bright greeneyes.
“Are you going to let me in? It’s fucking freezing outhere.”
She stepped back and waved her arm, indicating for him to come in, her mouth still hanging open. He entered and shut the door behind him, stomping his snow-covered feet on the rug. He looked up at her and winked. “I know you hate when I drip over all your things.”
“I don’t. I just… What are you doing here?” she stammered, having a hard time getting anything elseout.
“Well, I would think that would be obvious. I came to see you.” He unwrapped the scarf around his neck and then removed his jacket, his eyes never leaving her as he did. Finally, he pulled his boots off and stood in front of her. “I’ve had enough ofthis.”
“Enough of what?” Her face held a bewildered expression as she tried to process the fact that he was standing in front ofher.
“Enough of not seeing you.” Then he swept her into his arms and crushed his mouth to hers in a searing kiss. It took only a second for her to recover before her arms wrapped around his neck and she was kissing him back. She clung to him as if he were her next breath, her fingers clutching onto the hair that fell over the nape of his neck. His hand moved to her face, his fingers caressing her cheek gently, before he pulled his lips from hers, his forehead resting against hers as their heavy breaths collided.
“I’ve missed you so much, Angel.”
He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers again but only for a moment before pulling away again. “I want to take you upstairs right now and strip you naked, but…”
“But we shouldtalk.”
He nodded against her forehead. “We shouldtalk.”
She let go of him and stepped back, her arms wrapping around herself in protection. She went to turn, but his hand reached out and threaded through her hair and around her scalp, pulling her close, as he bent down and pressed his lips to hers again. She whimpered when his teeth nipped her bottom lip, and he let go once again and backedaway.
“I’m sorry,” he breathed out. “I just had to do that one moretime.”
She turned and walked back to the living room, him walking beside her. She went and sat on the couch and couldn’t help the smile that formed when he stopped to put more wood on the fire before he joinedher.
He pointed to the laptop. “You’re writing?”
Her brows furrowed quizzically. “Yes, how did youknow?”