Page 25 of Losing Hope

Gage headed over to the fire place and started building the makings of a fire, while she made her way to the fridge and started taking things out for their lightmeal.

“So, what did you mean when you said that you’ve been more yourself with me than anyone else? Why’s that?” He was bent down on one knee as he placed kindling over paper in the fireplace.

“I don’t know.” She frowned and leaned against the island. “I guess because I work at one of my father’s companies. Daddy’s little girl, everything handed to me on a silver platter, and all those preconceived notions that go along withthat.”

“Not Daddy’s little girl?” he asked with a cocky smile.

She threw him a playful glare as she started slicing a block of cheese. “Ha-ha. No. I mean, obviously, my dad loves me and wants to take care of me. I’m his only daughter, and my mom is gone now. But I’ve worked really hard to be in the position I’m in. I went to college for six years and worked during the last three years ofthat.”

The fire was starting to crackle now, so he laid a few medium size logs over the lit kindle and placed the large screen over the opening. He made his way back over toher.

“And what is it that you do exactly? I don’t think you’ve actually toldme.”

Her eyes crinkled, and her brow furrowed in thought as she tried to remember whether or not she had told him what she did. “Huh. I guess I didn’t even realize. I’m the senior VP at a publishing house. I handle all the U.S. publications.”

His jaw went slack and his eyes wide. “Wow. That’s impressive.”

She shrugged as her face turned a light shade of pink. “Yeah, I guess it is. I knew from a really young age that it’s what I wanted to do, so I worked hard to get there.”

“What do you publish?” He plucked a piece of cheese off the cutting board as she sliced some apples.

“Books mostly. Some periodicals. We published over ten thousand books lastyear.”

He swept his hand around the room. “Well, that explains all the books everywhere.”

She laughed. “Yeah, we read a lot around here. In fact, I should have been reading today, but someone has kept me very distracted!”

“I can take off tomorrow if you want,” he responded matter-of-factly.

She was surprised when she felt her heart drop into her stomach. She didn’t want that at all. Hope liked having him here with her. But, he seemed ready to leave without any hesitation, so instead of admitting she wanted him to stay, she played itcool.

“Do you want to leave? It’s totally up to you. I’m fine either way.” Instead of looking at him to gauge his response, she picked up the wooden board she had prepared their smorgasbord on and started walking to the livingroom.

Gage scratched his chin,not sure how he was supposed to respond. One second, she seemed to want him here, and then the next, it seemed like she was casually dismissing him. Why were women always so damn complicated? He watched as she placed the food on the coffee table and started fidgeting with everything else on the table.

Was she nervous?This was the first time since being with her that he’d seen her act twitchy like this. He walked back into the living room so he could confront her up close to see if he could figure out what was really going on in that mind ofhers.

“Hope, I’ll---“

“Oh! I forgot the wine,” she interrupted him, jumping up and hurrying past him into the kitchen. She pulled a bottle of white wine out of the fridge and then two glasses out of a cabinet.

He stood by the fireplace and watched as she scurried back over to the table and placed the wine down. “I’lldo—”

“Shit!” She spun and darted back into the kitchen again. “I forgot the cork screw.”

He shook his head, a smirk sliding over his lips. Damn woman was so afraid he was going to say he wanted to leave that she wasn’t going to let him say anything. Just like this morning. When she returned to the coffee table, and finally seemed to stand still for more than thirty seconds, he cautiously approached her. He took the wine bottle and corkscrew from her hands and placed them on the table. She kept her gaze focused on the table instead of onhim.

“Hope.” He reached out and curled a knuckle under her chin, pushing up. “Look atme.”

Her head came up slowly, her gaze reluctantly locking onto his, her teeth brutally clutching onto her lower lip. He reached up and pulled it from her teeth, swiping the pad of his thumb across the imprints her teeth left, before lowering his hand and placing it on her waist.

“I want to stay.” His nerves tingled in satisfaction when her eyes brightened before him. “Just for the record. But, if you need to work, I cango.”

She peered up at him through her dark lashes, her pouty lips turning upward. “So, you don’t want togo?”

He shook his head as a delightful smile lit up his face. “No.” He leaned down and kissed her tenderly. “Don’t want togo.”

A smile illuminated her face. “Good, because I don’t want you to go. Work can wait.” She stretched up on tip-toes and brought her lips to his in a triumphant kiss, arms wrapping around his neck to follow it up with a hug. His arms snaked around her waist, pulling her so close he could feel the beat of her heart against his, dazed and confused at how perfect itfelt.