It was justafter eleven when they pulled back up to the lake house. They had stopped at the car rental office to deal with that mess and also made a quick stop at the grocery store to grab some fresh items for the refrigerator. Gage hopped out and, once again, came around to open the door for her. He then scooped the grocery bags off the backseat.
Walking by the old blue pickup truck also parked in the yard, he stopped and tilted his head in its direction. “What’s the story with old blue here if you have the Range Rover?”
She smiled at the truck fondly and rubbed a hand over the edge of the hood. “It was my mom’s. She loved this truck. I don’t have the heart to get rid ofit.”
“Does it stillrun?”
“Like a dream. Walter is a champ when it comes to upkeep on it.” She patted it affectionately and then continued up onto the porch, unlocking the door and moving into the house.
They worked together to toss out the milk, creamer, ice cream, eggs, and sour cream that had been in the fridge all night, restocking it with the items they picked up intown.
“So, whatcha feel like doing?” She leaned up against the island and looked out over the lake. “Any interest in taking the boat out for a little bit? It’s so nice today, and the water looks reallycalm.”
She watched as he shifted to get a better look out the full-length windows at the lake beyond before looking back at her. “You can bring your camera. I bet you can get some great shots.”
He ran a hand over his stubble and then turned his body toward hers, placing a hand on either side, effectively pinning her in. She spun around and looked up into his devilish eyes, her hands moving to rest on his chest. His heart thumped quickly at her soft touch. He bent and swept a kiss across her lips, his eyes locking ontohers.
“Sure, we can do that if you want.” His eyes shifted to scan down her body, his lips brushing hers again lightly, moving as he spoke. “Or we can do this…” He pressed his lips more firmly against hers, swiping his tongue across the seam of her lips, coaxing her to open them. She complied, moaning softly, her body becoming pliant againsthis.
“Okay,” she murmured through their kisses. “This is good, too.”
Her head fell back as he placed kisses down her neck until he reached the collar of her t-shirt. He ran his tongue along the edge and then blew on her wet skin, causing goosebumps to break out across her flesh. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you since breakfast.”
She lifted her head to meet his eyes, a sexy smile on her lips. “Do you mean kiss me, or do you mean KISSme?”
He grinned wickedly before responding, “I mean KISS you.” He smashed his lips to hers again and reached down to scoop her into his arms before turning and walking toward the stairs. He made his way up slowly, continuing to kiss her, careful not to trip with her in his arms. “Whichroom?”
She pointed left, panting softly from their kisses. “First door on theleft.”
He strolled down the hall, banging the door open with his foot, and entered the room. He stopped short as his eyes took in the room. “Holy shit. This is gorgeous.”
From the second floor, the view of the lake was breathtaking. He took in the large king-sized bed covered in a handmade comforter sitting adjacent to another massive fireplace. Beautiful soft rugs were scattered across the colored hardwood floors.
Hope lay forgotten in his arms for a moment as he looked around the room and noticed all the soft personal things that made it hers; a bouquet of white silk roses in a silver vase by the bed, picture frames filled with what he had to assume were her friends and family on the dresser and book case, books littering almost every free flat space in theroom.
She wriggled in his arms and cleared her throat. “Um, sure, the room is nice, but rememberme?”
Her melodic voice broke him out of his trance and brought his attention back to her. He smiled at her, bending to kiss her lips lightly before walking to the foot of the bed and setting her down. “Sorry.”
She scooted back, her eyes burning into his as he knelt on the bed and crawled up and over her body, his knees resting between her legs. The muscles in his arms strained tightly, his tattoos dancing out from under his shirt sleeves as he lowered his lips and began kissing her. Her hands trailed up over his strong arms and tangled in his hair. He dropped to his elbows and splayed his long fingers around her head, holding her firmly in place, his mouth continuing to slayhers.
Ever so slowly, he lowered the rest of his body, moving one of his legs on the other side of hers, balancing his weight there. One hand moved to bunch the fabric of her t-shirt, pulling it up and over her head. Their kiss broke for only a second, just long enough for her to slide her hands down to yank his shirt off, too. Her hands floated across the inked portion of his upper arms before snaking behind his neck again, his mouth consuminghers.
His hand lingered at the nape of her neck, his fingers stroking her pulse point as if trying to slow down the pounding of her heart. Instead, the movement was like throwing gasoline on the flame he was igniting. He wanted to touch every inch of her. She turned her head to break the hold his mouth had on hers, soft pants escaping them both, his grip on her head tightening as he opened his eyes to question her, his brows furrowed.
“What?” He leaned his forehead against hers. “Is something wrong?”
She moved to shake her head back and forth, so he loosened hisgrip.
“Am I hurting you?” His eyes filled with concern.
She shook her head again, this time more freely, a whispered response falling from her lips at the same time. “No.”
“What is it? Do you want me to stop?” He started to raise himself off her, but her hands reached out and gripped onto each of his forearms, pulling himback.
Her cheeks flushed in heat. He could tell she wanted to ask something but was too shy without the wine they’d shared last night. Finally, her request met his ears, soft and needy. “I want you to touch me. I want to feel your hands all overme.”