“That’s a brotherhood tribal tattoo that my unit and I got after we finished our last deployment.” He reached up and absently ran his hand over his otherarm.
“And Faith?” She didn’t know why, but she had a feeling the tattoo had nothing to do with his belief in God and everything to do with a woman, and when she saw the dark shadows sweep across his expression, she knew she was correct.
Just at that moment, Tilly arrived, breaking the tension by setting down a full plate in front of each of them. “There you go, folks. I’ll be right back with your juice, handsome.”
They looked at each other over the steam coming up off their plates, still silent when Tilly came back, placing the juice in front of Gage and asking if they needed anythingelse.
Gage shook his head. “No thanks, I think we’re good. Thank you again.”
She nodded her head and flitted back into action at another table next tothem.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me,” she said quietly as she picked up a fork and poked at the food on her plate. “I wasn’t trying topry.”
Both his hands were laid flat on the table as he looked down at his plate and then slowly up at her. “Faith was my little sister. She died six years ago. The tattoo is forher.”
Hope’s fork stopped midway to her mouth as a knife sliced through her heart at the pain she could hear in his voice. She knew that pain. She felt it often when she thought of her mother. Her fork met the table, and she moved her hand to place it overhis.
“I’m so sorry, Gage. I had no idea. I figured an old girlfriend.” She squeezed his hand, and he looked up at her, a weak smile crossing his features. “Truly, I know what it’s like to lose someone youlove.”
He reached over with his other hand to cover hers. “Like you said last night, you think after six years it would get easier, but it doesn’t.” His eyes softened. “I know you weren’t prying.”
He released her hand and moved to pick up his fork in a signal that the conversation was over. She mimicked his move and began toeat.
The herbs in the fried potatoes exploded on her tongue, causing her to moan loudly. “Oh my God! Those are so good! Tastethem.”
He smiled broadly and scooped a forkful into his mouth, humming in appreciation. And just like that, the tension of the moment was forgotten.