Brody’s grin widens, and he walks to the entrance of the gift shop. “What do you say, boys? Shall we open the floodgates?”

Jace glances over at me. “Your call, Wyatt.”

I heave a sigh, already regretting this entire day. “Fine. But you better keep that crowd under control. I’m not breaking up any catfights over your used chaps or whatever other weird shit you’re selling.”

“Don’t worry, big brother. I’ve got this.” And with that, he flings open the doors and the women flood inside.

As I watch Brody work the room, I can’t help but think about how different we are. He's always been the outgoing one. The charmer. The center of attention. I've never been that type.

I'm more at home on horseback than in a crowd. Growing up on a ranch taught me early about hard work and duty. WhileBrody dreamed of rodeo glory I studied animal husbandry and ranch management.

It's not glamorous but it's who I am.

Our folks gave us a deep love for this land and the cowboy life. When they passed, they left us more than a ranch. They left us a legacy. And I take that responsibility seriously. Especially since most of the work's fallen on me.

I don't mind it. It’s usually what happens on ranches like ours when you’re the oldest. But like Brody said, finding time for romance isn't easy. Not that I'm looking. I gave up on women long ago. Most don't understand ranch life. I won't budge on my duties. The few relationships I've had fizzled out fast.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm missing out. Then I look at what we've built here and the legacy we're carrying on. I know I'm right where I ought to be.

No, I think as I lean against the wall. I don't need a woman. Things are fine just the way they are.

Nine hours later, the last of the buckle bunnies finally trickle out of the gift shop. The moment the door swings shut behind them, I collapse into a chair in the break room. “Fuck, I’m exhausted.”

“Same.” Brody plops down in a chair beside me. “What do you say we close up shop and head back to the main house? I’m starving.”

“You two go ahead,” Jace says as he counts the last of the cash in the register. “I want to swing by Lindsay’s place and check on her.”

A clap of thunder rumbles in the distance.

“Well, be careful out there,” I reply as I glance out the window. “Looks like a storm is heading this way.”

Once Jace heads out, I start straightening up the store. After tossing empty boxes in the dumpster, I sweep up the mess left behind. Brody helps me load some leftover merch into my old red pickup parked out front.

Right as we’re finishing up, I glance out the front window and do a double-take.

A yellow cab has pulled up at the bottom of the dirt road leading up to the ranch. There’s a woman carrying a pink duffel bag getting out of it. And she’s wearing a wedding dress.


“Uh, Brody?” I call out over my shoulder. “Looks like you’ve got one more customer.”

My brother comes up beside me and peers out the window. Then his eyebrows shoot up. “Is she wearing aweddingdress?”

“Looks that way.”

“Fuck,” he groans, rubbing the back of his neck. “I really don’t have time for this right now.”

“What’s the matter, champ?” I chuckle. “Too tired for your fans?”

“Nah, it’s not that. I just got a text from my agent. I need to meet up with one of my sponsors for drinks tonight.” He gives me a pleading look. “Can you deal with her for me? I’ll sneak out the back.”

I sigh. “Yeah. I’ll take care of it.”

Brody claps me on the shoulder. “Thanks, bro. I owe you one.”

After he grabs his jacket and slips out the back door, I head outside to greet our unexpected visitor.

But when I get a closer look at her, it's like the entire world shifts under my feet. She's the most gorgeous woman I've ever laid eyes on.