I turned to face her.
“My boyfriend?!” I repeated.
“He went to Zac’s last night, beat him up and threatened him to stay away from you. He picks you up, gets out of the car shirtless, you walk across the parking lot holding hands… what are we supposed to understand about all this, Katherine?”
I searched for my words, but the anger coursing through my veins was too strong to waste time speaking.
I walked past them, literally fuming with rage, not even bothering to pick up my book from the desk. I was going to find that fucking asshole and teach him a lesson.
I heard voices behind me calling my name. They belonged to my friends, but I didn’t stop. I ran on quickly, bumping into other students and looking for him. I couldn’t believe he had beaten up Zac and threatened him to stay away from me. Who the hell did he think he was? Had the same thing happened to Joshua? Was that why that maniac hated me for no reason?
“Miss Wrise!”
The raspy voice calling my name this time caused me to stop in my tracks.
I turned on my heels and saw the principal walking towards me. So, my bad day was getting worse by the second. The drug was pulsing in my veins, and I had a strong hunger for scandal.
“You, practice, now!” She commanded as she reached me.
“You’re a cheerleader, your father confirmed. And it’s been brought to my attention that you were late this morning. Good on you, Katherine, keep up the good work and you’ll be attending high school for several more years.”
“I had a prob…” I began, but she waved me off and dismissed me.
“I didn’t ask for an explanation. I just want you to come to training and be on time.” I sighed, pressed my lips together, and looked down at my feet. “I know what happened yesterday, and I’d advise you to stay away from Harris Stone. It’s for your own good.”
Her tone turned serious at the end of her sentence, and without waiting for an answer, she left. I rubbed my forehead with my fingertips. Everyone had been telling me that since I’d arrived, and what was I doing? I was on my way to him. I realized that I knew where I would find him: with his girlfriend.
My gear was in the laundry basket at home, so I had to make do with what I had. I had to get rid of my anger somehow, and suddenly an encounter with Amber didn’t seem so bad.
I knew I was going to do something very, very bad, I could feel it in my blood pressure. My heart rate was too fast, and I tried to relieve some of the tension by kicking the walls a few times on the way to the gym. But it didn’t work. I crossed the changing room and climbed the stairs to the field. When I found myself on the green grass, I felt the pressure go to my head like lightning splitting the sky. Amber and the other girls were already there, the whole school was there, including… him.
He let her caress and kiss him, seemingly uninterested in her affection. Her hands stroking his neck made me see red, because I had kissed that neck not too long ago.
I clenched my fists and directed all my anger at them.
Amber noticed me first.
“You’re late,” she barked, but that was all she could manage because the next second she was stumbling on her feet.
I slapped her with all my strength.
I had no idea why I did that. I had come to training to get revenge on someone else. I didn’t regret it though, theadrenaline rush felt good. It wasn’t as if she didn’t deserve it. I’d nearly broken my neck because of her the other day. I would have it if Harris hadn’t caught me. You see, I found a reason to kick her ass.
There was shock in her eyes; her mouth was wide open as she ran a hand over her face.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” she screamed, trying to come at me.
That was exactly what I wanted.