Page 71 of Obsession

I swallowed down a fist-sized lump. I wished I hadn’t understood the analogy so well.

“You are not going to catch me. What happened earlier was a momentary lapse in judgment.”

He grinned, pulling back, and opening the door.

“I’m going to catch you even if it’s the last thing I do. And I’ll catch you in your own traps. You’ll tell me what you want on your own, I promise,” he leaned over me and whispered just inches from my lips. “There will come a time when I’ll be on top of you, Katherine, and you will beg for all the things you keep to yourself now.”

I was petrified and showed no reaction at all. After everything that had just happened, that was impossible.

“But that moment is not now.”

His smile promised danger, then he pulled back.

My pulse exploded as I realized what he was about to do. He held the T-shirt in his hand, but he didn’t put it on, and he got out of the car as he was.

“Don’t,” I howled and reached across the seat for him, but I didn’t catch him.

It was not until he was sure the whole school had seen him that he pulled his shirt over his head.

A vein pulsed on my forehead. I didn’t care that he’d shown off his muscles in front of heated cheerleaders, but I was about to get out of the same car. Even the dumbest kid in the yard could put the puzzle together and figure out what had happened, especially because we had stayed inside for a while.

He grinned at me through the windshield, looking very proud of himself. He headed for my door when I made no move to get out.

“I hate you so much,” I whispered as he opened it.

He leaned over me and whispered back, “You can get back at me anytime you want, but I am not keeping my hands to myself a second time. Especially my fingers, now that I know how much you want them.”

He took my hand and pulled me out of the car, and I had to comply, so it didn’t look like I was being dragged out.

Fuck me!

I could see them, although I wasn’t looking at them. The usual noise had turned to silence, and I watched Harris so as not to notice everyone staring at me after I got out of his car.

So, it was clear that I had become his latest acquisition and there was no way to fix it, and that alone made me angry. It wasn’t just his fault; I had willingly and actively participated in everything that had happened. I’d even asked for it, like an idiot.

To make a bad situation even worse, he didn’t let go of my hand as we walked off.

“I can walk on my own,” I mumbled, trying to pull my hand out of his, but he only held me tighter.

I talked gibberish to myself the whole way, trying not to look at the people around me. The bell rang and everyone went to their classes, thank God.

“Don’t you have a class to go to?” I asked angrily.

After he let my hand go, I shoved my backpack into my locker.

“No,” he replied with a mischievous smile on his face.

He leaned against the locker next to mine with his arms crossed, looking like a sculpted Adonis. I grabbed my math book and closed the locker.

I decided to test my luck and turned to leave without exchanging any more pleasantries with him. I had gotten enough attention for one day. He immediately grabbed my hand, and my body was turned around and pressed against the locker. His palms clutched my hips as he felt way too close to me.

“Let go of me,” my voice sounded strained while a small, annoying part of me was in ecstasy, despite the many eyes surrounding us.

“Were you really going to leave like that?”

I frowned.

“You don’t want a kiss too, do you? In front of the audience?”