Page 65 of Obsession

Yeah, I’d noticed that too. I cleared my throat to get his attention when I realized his gaze was lingering on my legs a little too much.

“Then why didn’t you write back to explain that it wasn’t you.”

“Because I saw it three hours after it happened. He took my phone while I was sleeping. You didn’t answer it anyway and it was too late for me to call. That’s why I’m here now.”

I bit my lip, unsure if I should believe him or not. I could imagine he’d slept yesterday, because he’d been tired all day, and it would have been really stupid of him to write that to me after the way he’d treated me.

“Please, get in the car so we can talk like two normal people.”

More annoyed that we were attracting so much attention, I opened the door and got in the car. He drove off immediately, leaving my street behind him, then stopped the car and turned to face me. At least I knew that no one could see us through the tinted windows.

“I still want to try this experiment.”

I sighed, completely exasperated. “You never get bored of it, do you?”

“It’s not a game, more like a way to prove you’re not as innocent as you pretend to be.”

I narrowed my eyes. “I never claimed to be innocent, but that doesn’t mean I’m interested in your experiments. You keep forgetting that you already have a girlfriend.”

“It’s not a game,” he repeated, ignoring my comment about Amber.

I wanted to tease him more about it.

“Where’s Amber now, Harris? Who’s driving her to school?”

“I’m not her driver,” he replied matter-of-factly, and I raised an eyebrow.

“Maybe not, but you’re her boyfriend.”

“Stop changing the subject, I want to do this.” I opened my mouth to tell him he could shove it, but he spoke before me, “And I swear I won’t touch you.”

Suddenly I was curious.

Smiling because he had caught my attention, he relaxed in his seat and looked at me.

“Do whatever you want to me.”

I almost burst out laughing.

“Excuse me?”

“Do absolutely whatever you want to me, I promise I won’t move, but I want you to find out if you like touching me or not when you’re not feeling assaulted by me.”

I finally laughed.

“I can tell you this right now: I don’t like it one bit, I have no desire to touch you. Experiment over.”

Or not… I knew I was lying, and that annoyed me. Harris’s smile showed he knew it too.

“I’m the perverted asshole who jumps you and thinks about how to get you out of your clothes faster. Fine, I admit it. But you have to admit your thoughts too.” I clenched my fistsand he continued, “You think I can’t feel the way your breath hitches when I touch you? How your body trembles, or how your skin gets hotter? Those little sounds you make are pure pleasure, love.”

I took a deep breath because I already knew he was reading my reactions, but he was more aware of them than I had hoped.

Did he just call me “love”?

“Even now; I’m sure you know exactly what you want to do with me, but you’re too stubborn to admit it.”

“Stop pretending you’re not daring me to do this for your own pleasure.”