I narrowed my eyes, and I already knew he was going to torture me with this for a long time.
He leaned over me. “You’re just as perverted as I am. Only I admit it.”
I was on the verge of beating the smugness out of him, but my anger only amused him.
“I have a little experiment in mind. If you resist and show no reaction, I promise to leave you alone, at least for today.”
I had no intention of falling into his trap, not again. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the bus approaching and Harris immediately circled my waist.
“Oh, look, the bus is here. What a shame we don’t have time to play,” I pouted, then grinned.
He didn’t really think I was going to fall for his games again, did he? I waved to the driver, who pulled up behind Harris’s car. I tried to leave, but his arm wrapped around me tighter.
“Let me go, Harris,” I spoke as calmly as I could, looking up at him.
I wasn’t in the mood to make a scene.
He turned to the driver and jerked his head towards the road, and I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the bus speed past us.
“What the fuck?!” I shouted at him, looking at the bus.
Harris was giggling like the idiot he was. All the students on the bus were watching us, their faces glued to the windows. The driver didn’t seem much older than us, and I had a feeling he was scared of Harris too.
“You think you know me, Katherine, but you have no idea. So, you can come with me or wait for your friends, who I assure you will not be coming.”
I stepped close to him until our breaths joined and anger flared between us.
“You think you know me too, Harris, but you have no idea. If there’s one thing you need to know about me, it’s that I hate it when someone else makes decisions for me. Right now, I’d rather crawl to school than get in your car.”
I broke free from his grip and made my way to school. I pulled out my phone to call an Uber because I was tired of cabs after yesterday. It was surprising that my father hadn’t seen anything. He was probably in the shower, but it wouldn’t be long before he came out, so I had to leave before he could see Harris holding me like that.
I was annoyed, but it didn’t surprise me when I saw him following behind me in the car.
He slowed down, drove at the same speed as me and then rolled down the passenger window.
“Please, get in,” the change in his tone made me look at him.
Perversity gone, anger gone, both replaced by seriousness.
“Do you have some kind of split personality disorder?” I muttered, continuing on my way as he stayed on my heels.
“No, but what we’re doing right now is stupid.”
I laughed. “No shit, Sherlock! Like the text you sent last night after we had a somewhat normal conversation. Or you practically chasing the bus away?”
“I didn’t send that text,” that made me pause.
The car pulled up next to me, and I didn’t even want to think about how ridiculous we looked.
“I’m pretty sure it came from your number.”
“Jay took my phone and sent it because he wanted to be funny. He’s got a black eye because of it.”
I frowned at him, refusing to believe him even though he seemed sincere.
He sighed and bumped his head on the headrest.
“Come on, Katherine, why would I have sent that text? Especially after yesterday when I fought so hard to hold it in, like you said. And you don’t have to dress sexy, you’d be sexy in a hoodie five sizes bigger.” I swallowed. “Like right now, for example,” he pointed at my clothes. “I’m sure you thought that wasn’t sexy and you put it on to piss me off, but it didn’t work.”