I didn’t like the idea, but I knew there was a way to distract him.
“Do you want me to show you what I can do?” He nodded quickly. “Promise me you won’t freak out?”
He raised an eyebrow. “Considering how you said it, I’m kind of scared to promise anything.”
I giggled and did the fastest, most impressive move a dancer could do when you first saw it. In reality, it was a simple stretching movement. I lifted my leg and propped my ankle on his shoulder. It was no big deal for me, especially after practicing it in the mirror beforehand. His height made it a little difficult though, so I had to stretch as far as I could, which brought certain parts of me dangerously close to him. I couldn’t be more exposed than I was at that moment.
It was the worst idea in the history of bad ideas, and I realized it immediately.
Harris froze on the spot.
He stared at me, then at the foot on his shoulder, then at my body. Danger crept into him, and I had to pull back. I was sure his mind was devoid of questions now.
I wanted to remove my leg, but his palms gripped my thigh before I could.
“Don’t you dare take your foot off me.”
His words would have amused me if I didn’t know exactly what they meant. I had chosen to make the move because I knew it would get his attention, but I had hoped it would be easier to escape. His eyes darkened as they scanned every inch of my body, and his breathing became labored. I couldn’t find the strength to move either. I should have known that such an action would bring us here, what had I expected?
“I’m sorry, Katherine,” he whispered in a raspy voice.
“For what?” I whispered back, suddenly aware of what was happening around us, the sound of the storm outside, the thunder, my ragged breathing and my wet clothes, my heart pounding.
“Because I can’t keep my promise.”
In an instant, he took my foot from his shoulder and grabbed both my thighs. His movements were so quick that I didn’t even notice as he sat my butt on the table and pushedhimself between my legs. His mouth traveled to my neck and kissed it with a brutality that almost bit into my skin. It was strange that he didn’t kiss my lips, but I couldn’t complain, especially since I could now do exactly what I wanted, and I ran my fingers through his hair. I pulled on it and made him moan against my neck.
It was different than before. I didn’t fight him anymore, even if I should have. As bad as what we were doing was, it felt so good.
Harris was playing with me; he was playing with Amber and possibly others. That thought brought me back to my senses before I gave in to it completely, and I grabbed him by the shoulders to push him back.
It hurt him to let go of me.
His breathing was as heavy as mine, his chest was rising and falling frantically, and I could feel his body trembling. His palms pressed on my thighs as he watched me with the eyes of a predator.
“It was my fault this time,” I admitted, trying to regain my composure and speak normally. “I shouldn’t have done that; I don’t know what was going through my head.”
“I don’t know what was going through your mind, but you don’t want to know what is going through mine. The things I want to do right now… to you.”
I preferred not to look at him and just closed my eyes. I stepped on the lion’s tail like an idiot. It used to be funny. He wasn’t the first one I’d done that to, I used to bet on it at home. Adam lost hundreds of dollars because he thought he was too big for me. But it never ended up like that. I never felt that way after putting my foot on someone’s shoulder.
“I suppose it’s too late to ask you to forget what you saw.”
“Way too late.” I sighed, running my fingers through my hair, and daring to look at him. “But I’m going to leave now,because I’m sure it won’t end well if I stay any longer. I don’t know how much longer I can control myself and if I end up kissing you, our friendship will go down the drain.”
I smiled bitterly, aware of his every word. So that was the reason he didn’t kiss me, he still had an ounce of endurance. I was grateful for that because I had no idea what I would have done if his lips had touched mine.
He let go of me and took two steps back. I couldn’t miss the erection in his pants; it made me blush faster than was humanly possible. Harris chuckled.
“Still surprised you turn me on?”
“Not really, but I didn’t think I’d have such a quick effect.”
“You have no idea, Katherine.”
Never in my life had I heard a few simple words sound so erotic. My hormone-filled head was spinning again.
I jumped up from the table and grabbed the bag of goodies, so I had a reason to change the subject.