“Balls! I hope my cookies didn’t get wet.” I almost shoved them down my shirt, and of course he laughed at me.
Finally arriving on the porch, I heaved a sigh of relief as Harris locked his car and the headlights flashed green briefly. The raindrops were invisible on it, that black was the most magical thing in the world. I immediately noticed my “security system” neighbor sitting at her window to see what the commotion was all about. Earlier I had come home on a motorcycle, now in a car that she probably thought was the work of the devil.
I giggled to myself, unlocked the door, and walked in with Harris right behind me.
“What’s so funny?”
“I’m just imagining the old lady next door thinking your car is a sign that the Grim Reaper is coming for her.”
Harris burst out laughing, then immediately inhaled the scent coming from the kitchen.
“Fuck, that smells good!”
I couldn’t disagree with him; the aroma of roasting meat and vegetables had spread everywhere. It smelled like fall and spices and quiet family days.
I didn’t have everything on the list anymore, but I had just invited a demon to dinner, almost literally. I still wasn’t sure if that was a good idea or a really bad one. All I could think about was what I would say to my dad if he caught Harris stuffing himself full of food in our kitchen.
His black t-shirt was wet and clinging to every damn muscle. Everything was sticking out, and I suddenly had no interest in how the food tasted. His arms were covered in tattoos, he was fucking huge, just the thing for a father to find in his house...
I was pulled out of my thoughts and looked up at him.
“I promised I’d stop with the comments, but the way you’re looking at me isn’t helping.”
Oh, Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the Wee Donkey! How was I looking at him?
I shook my head.
“Sorry, I was just thinking about… your height,” I stuttered, and he pretended to believe me.
“I’m 6’4”.”
A small, amused smile played around his lips, and I knew he was trying hard not to make a sexual comment, which I appreciated. It was more than enough that he had caught me ogling him. I didn’t lie though, he was so damn big and intimidating, and his muscle mass added to that. All in all, he was a mountain of a man, he wasn’t massive in the sense of a muscle-filled brute. He was just so… fucking perfect.
“Aha, I thought so,” was all I could say, then I headed for the kitchen.
I gave myself several mental slaps for being such an idiot around him. I could hear him laughing at my expense as he followed me, even though I couldn’t see him.
“You should change first, you’re soaked.” I turned around and waved my hands dramatically, his eyes widened comically. “I swear on the color of my car I didn’t mean it like that, you are really wet because the rain soaked you.”
I closed my mouth and suppressed my laughter. “Not so easy to drive the perversity out of a demon, is it?”
“It’s so fucking hard, it’s instinct.”
I started laughing and took off my hoodie. Not exactly a good idea around him, but I didn’t want to leave him alone – not that he’d steal my silver spoons or anything, but if my dad came home and found him in our kitchen, God knows what would happen.
I ran my fingers through my wet hair and pulled it back. I was still wearing a tank top and a bra. I was in a safe zone, or so I thought, but Harris’s eyes had that dangerous spark in them.
“Not touching, not saying anything. My mind is not that easy to control,” his voice sounded rough.
I preferred not to answer, because my mind wasn’t easy to control either. “Sit down.”
“You’re not going to change?”
“No, I’m fine, I’m used to… standing in the rain.”