Page 37 of Obsession

I frowned and tried to get him off, but it felt like he was all over me.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

He freed my wrists and propped his palms against the wall, on either side of my head. That way he could put some distance between us and look me straight in the eye. He was so big compared to me; his enormous arms made me feel caged in. He let go of me, but I was still a prisoner.

“It means, it fucking turns me on.”

I struggled to swallow, and I found it harder and harder not to hit him again. The smirk on his face said he knew exactly what I was thinking.

“You’re not going to hit me again?”

“You’re crazy.”

“Maybe, but you’re too violent to hold back.”

I had no way of contradicting him, but I didn’t like this game we had gotten ourselves into. I wanted out of it, preferably without having to touch him.

“Harris…” I tried a threatening growl.

To no avail, but his smirk returned.

“Fuck… my name sounds so good on your lips. I can’t help imagining how your moans would sound when I …”

He didn’t get to finish his sentence and, fuck, I wasn’t even sure I wanted to know. My cup full, I raised my knee to hit him right in the family jewels, but he saw it coming, because that’s exactly what he wanted. His left hand dropped quickly and stopped my knee before it could hit him. His palm cupped it, lifting my leg and forcing me to latch onto him so I didn’t fall on my butt. His other hand dropped to my opposite thigh and lifted me so that I was now wrapped around his waist.

I let out an angry cry and tried to escape as he pushed against me, pinning me to the wall. He laughed, his abdomen resting between my legs, while those electric shivers inside me felt like they were going to black out the whole neighborhood.

“Each strike is going to cost you. If you keep this up, you’ll end up on my mattress again, but not alone this time,” he inhaled over my neck, sucking a small piece of skin into his mouth and biting into it lightly.

Well, fuck me.

I had to bite my tongue to stifle the sounds that threatened to escape. How could he annoy me so much and bring out such feelings, all at the same time?

“So, please, try to hit me again.”

I hated him.

It was official, set instone– pun intended – I hated him, and I wanted to hit him, but I refrained and tried to escape again. That didn’t work either.

“Get the fuck off me,” I roared, anger seeping from my pores.

I could use my arms now to try and get rid of him, but it didn’t work as planned. Furious, one of his palms traveled up my leg and landed on my butt to get a better grip and free his other hand, with which he grabbed my left wrist and pinned it against the wall.

“Running is not an option.”

I was fuming.

“Did I already tell you that you’re crazy?”


We stared at each other, and I could tell he was amused by my situation. He didn’t give two flying fucks about my anger.

A dark strand of hair fell across his face, covering one of his eyes. It bothered him, but he couldn’t push it away. A devilish grin crossed my face as a childish plan formed in my head. Since I still had one hand free, I used it to pull all his hair forward. The soft curls completely blocked his view and he looked ridiculous. But also, insanely hot. I analyzed him further and noticed that his hair was slightly curly towards the ends.

“Is that all you’ve got? What are you, five?”

“I’ll be four next month,” I continued to play along, sticking my tongue out at him even though he couldn’t see me.