Page 293 of Obsession

I followed him to the door and then locked it because he certainly stood by it until he heard the lock.

I leaned against the door and closed my eyes because my head was spinning.

“Fuck it,” I muttered and turned to unlock it.

I made sure my dress was snug and pulled down over my thighs, then like an angry, high, drunk, jealous and panty-less tornado – a great combination – I opened the door.

I poked my head into the hallway and examined the surroundings with open eyes and ears.

All clear.

There was no one on this floor, and all the noise was coming from downstairs.

If he wasn’t telling the truth, I was going to find out for myself, so I walked down the hallway and rolled up my imaginary sleeves like Tom did before he turned Jerry into a kebab.

I stumbled a few times as I walked down the stairs, but I reached my destination. My emotions were constantly changing, the drugs were having an exclusive party in my head, and my vision was cloudy at times, so I had to shake my head to pull myself together and put the images I was seeing in their proper place.

Fucking PCP, I’d forgotten what a monster it was.

I tried to keep moving, but I stumbled again. Mumbling curses, I took off my shoes and threw the boots away, even though I knew they weren’t the problem.

I examined the drunken and intoxicated crowd looking for a black head, but I found a purple one. V was sitting at a table with two girls I didn’t know, boredly playing some cards. Not a man in sight, and I walked up to them.

“V, do you know where Harris is?” I got straight to the point.

She raised her eyes to me and grinned because she knew what we’d been doing upstairs – actually, what we hadn’t been doing – and then noticed my toes in all their glory as they stepped on Mike’s filthy floor.

“Where are your shoes?” she asked.

I waved my hand, dismissing the subject.

“Short story, long dick. Where’s Harris?”

As I expected, because my sense of humor was top notch when I was drunk and high, V started laughing.

“I don’t know where he went, I think he went out with the boys. We stopped the game, but that was counterproductive anyway because Ken was wiping the floor with all of us.”

It was clear that V didn’t know much. She wouldn’t have been able to lie so naturally considering how drunk she was.

So the whole male asshole gang was involved. The tiger in me was already sharpening its claws, because it had a lot of faces to disfigure.

I turned on my heels and made my way through the herd of human trash. One guy grabbed my butt briefly, but by the time I turned to face him, he had already disappeared into the sea of heads. I cursed and continued on my way, grabbing a few more cups of fuck knew what on the way and downing them.

The drug began to overpower me and the world around me seemed to take on a different shape. The stars were no longer in the sky, but they were twinkling on the heads of the drunks around me.

I shook my head and kept walking, but no matter how easy it was to pick Harris out of the crowd, he was nowhere to be seen now.

My head was pounding with pain and I couldn’t take the music anymore, so I made my way to what seemed to be the garden, more to find a moment of peace where the strong bass and people weren’t constantly bumping into me. The house had so many nooks and crannies that I could have gotten lost walking around it.

I expected to find people there too, addicts snorting or something, but there was no one. It was also surprisingly dimly lit, with the only source of light coming from a neon tube. It wasbehind the west wing of the house, if my faulty GPS was still working properly.

I leaned against the wall, took a deep breath and tried to regain my balance so as not to lose my mind completely.

What the fuck was I doing?

I had gone off the rails.

I thought about going back to his room, because it was quite possible that he had come back and lost his mind when he found the room empty.