Page 268 of Obsession

“The words on your necklace,” I said, and he nodded, then lowered his arm.

That affirmation scared me in a way, because it was a constant reminder that everything would end eventually, just like Harris and me. I just didn’t know when or how. At the end of a very long life together full of happiness and love, or after a few days, when his love turned out to be something other than it seemed. They were both endings, but completely different from one another. I shook my head and pushed the haunting thought away. He getting my initials tattooed, and I was doubting his feelings.

After he took off his T-shirt, I looked at the other tattoos on his body and thought that the sun would rise if he explained the meaning behind all the tattoos to me. A tiger with its mouth open took the place on his right shoulder. It was one of the largest, and it stood out, unlike most of the intricate things thatdotted his skin. On the back of his right palm was something that looked like Chinese writing, and his left arm was covered with many images wrapped in a chain.

The wolf pups on his stomach made me curious, but I kept my mouth shut.

I noticed the tattoos on his right arm again, the ones around his mother’s birthday, and now that I knew more of the story, I could finally see the connection between them. The two roses, one alive, the other rotten, were probably for his mother and the man who had sexually abused her. The same with the pair of burning wings and the demonic eyes, representing the angel who was ruined because of a devil.

I swallowed and tried not to start that conversation. The creepiest tattoo by far was the one on the inside of his left arm, where his mother’s words painted his skin with the story of how Harris came to be. From a distance, I couldn’t read any of the sentences as they seemed to be just distorted lines, but even if I’d only read them once, I’d memorized almost every word.

I turned my gaze upwards to dispel the thoughts that sent a shiver down my spine.

“Isn’t it difficult to do it yourself?” I asked as I examined the tattoos on the back of his arms.

It must have been difficult to tattoo even his own abdomen.

The falcon on his chest was really fascinating.

“It’s a lot harder than on someone else, and it depends on the spot, but I can do it.”

I smiled appreciatively because I saw true talent in Harris.

He didn’t have any tattoos on his back because it was impossible for him to reach that part.

“Where are you doing it?” I asked, trying to find a suitable place for it on his stomach.

“On my neck,” he replied, as if it was obvious.

My eyes widened, “What?”

I couldn’t believe it. He wanted to get a tattoo for me, in the same place he usually marked his victims.

“Isn’t this your favorite spot?” he asked as he touched the reddened area on his neck.

I stood up and walked towards him.

“Harris, that is…” I began as he looked at me curiously, amused that I had stuttered my words, “I feel like I’m marking you.”

He laughed.

“You are marking me! What deviant words you’re spouting, Miss K.”

Okay, he was making fun of me, but I couldn’t help but laugh.

His lips suddenly met mine and took my breath away.

Desire exploded in both of us.

He lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. I loved it when he did that and I clutched his hair, lowered my mouth to his neck and kissed his skin where my tattoo was soon to be done.

A strong moan escaped his throat.

“If you don’t stop, I might throw you on the mattress and ruin the schedule for tonight,” he gasped through his moans.

“Fuck the schedule,” I cursed, biting into his skin.

He could get that tattoo tomorrow and I didn’t want to go to any party anymore. I wanted him.