“Well, I…” but I couldn’t finish my sentence because I was interrupted by the door opening behind me.
Instinctively, I turned around and saw him.
Harris entered the class and brushed his hair back before closing the door.
“Sorry I am late, Miss Miller, I had some business with the principal.”
Well, shoot me dead and put me in a coffin.
Did he just turn into another version of himself? That voice had nothing to do with the one I’d heard coming from his lips less than an hour before. It wasn’t sweet, but it definitely sounded different from the growl. He even smiled a little to complete his deadly charm.
Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who had forgotten to breathe, because our teacher began to stutter as she tried to say something back.
“It’s okay, Harris, we haven’t even started yet. Go ahead and sit down.”
Poor thing, she probably needed an oxygen tank.
Me too.
If the way he frowned was devastating, then the way he smiled and tried to be charming should be banned to preserve the sanity of women everywhere.
Harris gave her a quick grin, his eyes sparkling subtly, making us both light up. He turned to me, flashing a smaller, cheekier smile, and then walked to his seat at the back of the class, right next to mine.
I exhaled in exhaustion as I realized I’d have to endure his insistent stare for an entire hour.
He sat down, his massive body barely fitting on the small chair. His legs spread wide under the desk, and I knew he wouldn’t take his eyes off me because he enjoyed tormenting me too much. He leaned back, in a posture that seemed sly, and scrutinized me from top to bottom, unashamed.
I turned my attention back to the front of the class and tried to ignore him. If I showed how much of an effect he had on me, he would be even more pleased with himself.
“So, Miss Wrise…” the teacher continued, returning to her earlier question.
“I’m pretty good,” I answered quickly, trying to remember my French grades back when I studied, even though many things had happened and so many more had changed.
“Très bien!I’m glad to hear that. It means you and I will get along well,” I nodded and forced myself to smile, “you can sit back down.”
She sat down behind her desk, and I closed my eyes briefly before returning to my seat. I didn’t care about the looks everyone was giving me now, because the only one cooking me was Harris. His face was no longer cheeky, but rather curious, probably to find out if his hearing was working and I really did have the same surname as his girlfriend.
Well, we’re both shocked, buddy.
I sat down feeling his burning gaze all over my body, like he didn’t know where to look first. I sat in the middle row while he had the window seat.
I let my eyes wander to my notebook, continued my drawing from last class and tried my best to ignore him, but it seemed impossible. He had no intention of stopping and I was fuming. I would have yelled at him if my head didn’t hurt so much.
“Miss Wrise…?!”
I looked up, startled. The teacher was watching me, waiting for something, probably an answer to a question I hadn’t even heard. She obviously had a thing for me now.
“Um…” I bit my lip, helpless because I did not know what to say.
“Avoir,”Harris replied simply, finally looking at the teacher.
“Correct, Harris,” she agreed, “but my question was directed at Katherine,” she then scolded.
Seemingly unmoved, he continued, “I enjoy being her protector,” the corner of his mouth tilted upwards, shocking the whole class, but especially me.
What the hell was that supposed to mean? He was definitely referring to what had happened in the hallway, but was he going to make a habit of it?
His face gave nothing away as he turned his gaze back to me. If he wanted me to thank him, he was in for a long wait. Fucking smartass: I could have answered that stupid question if I’d heard it.