I tried to change the subject.
“So, was blonde better?”
I raised my eyebrows, and he immediately looked at me, this time curiously.
“You haven’t said anything about it yet, and I doubt you haven’t noticed.”
He smiled. His genuine smile was so obvious and I admired it so much. It was incredible how a simple smile could change him so much.
The kind of smile you’d happily burn in hell for.
“Oh, believe me, I have noticed, baby.”
“Hmm,” I squinted.
“But I know you did it for a serious reason, so it wasn’t exactly the right time to tell you how much it turns me on to see you like this.”
I pressed my lips together to stifle my laughter, and he gave me a kinky look.
“I think what happened in your room is explanation enough.”
I laughed, and he took my hand in his and pulled it to his lips.
“You’re beautiful in every way. You drove me crazy with blonde hair, you drive me crazy with black hair, and you’ll have the same effect no matter what else you want to change.”
He said this while pressing his lips to my fingers, and I struggled to keep my hormones under control.
“Just so you know, I didn’t dye my hair to stop looking like Amber. Well, that’s not the only reason, it’s actually my natural color.”
“I know,” he smiled.
“I’ve read about you, remember? I’ve seen a lot of photos from your competitions. You weren’t blonde in any of them.”
I tried to stop myself from drowning in those memories.
“I dyed my hair blonde so I wouldn’t look like my mother anymore. Now I’m over it, I want to be myself again.”
Harris was still holding my hand, and he squeezed it gently.
“You don’t look like anyone, Katherine. In fact, no one looks like you, I’m pretty sure not even your mother does. You’re the most mesmerizing, amazing, beautiful girl I’ve ever met. You’re one of a kind, baby.”
I couldn’t hold back and moved to kiss him. Somehow he managed to quickly blow any pain I had to pieces, filling the void inside me with happiness, so much so that the pain his secrets left behind no longer mattered.
He slowed down, but not because my kiss caught his attention.
I looked around but couldn’t make out where we were, it was some kind of alley surrounded by trees. It wasn’t raining yet, but the clouds had brought the darkness earlier. It wasn’t exactly a pleasant environment to meet someone, it seemed to foretell something bad. I blocked the dark thoughts and concentrated on the positive ones. Something had to change for the better today.
I started to create scenarios, imagining a gloomy father, maybe a businessman, serious and cold, someone Harris didn’t tolerate much, someone who didn’t show him enough love. And a gentle woman, caught between their hatred and overpowered by her husband. It was already clear that all of Harris’ love went to one parent.
I kept wondering what they looked like. Who did Harris take after? Did he have brothers or sisters?
I was still caught up in the maelstrom of questions when Harris stopped the car.
I looked ahead and everything inside me froze.
I analyzed the area and my lips parted in fear when I saw the huge iron gates in front of us, giving the place an eerie aura, especially when combined with the weather.