This wasn’t good.
“Has something happened?”
“Why aren’t you answering your phone?”
Now it was my turn to raise an eyebrow. It wasn’t that shocking that he’d called, but I hadn’t expected him to show up at my door because of it, especially not in his deadly soldier outfit.
I ran my fingers through my hair, remembering that my phone had been dead since last night. I’d forgotten to charge it in the morning.
“My phone is dead.”
“I’ve been calling you since this morning, Katherine.”
“Yeah, it’s been dead since last night.”
“You don’t say,” he narrowed his eyes at me as if he already knew that.
I exhaled through my nose and turned my head towards the hallway, Harris was still talking to Adam, too distracted to figure out what was going on at the door.
“Now’s really not a good time, Shane,” I whispered, and he pulled a paper out of his vest pocket and showed it to me.
“I’d say it’s a fantastic time.”
My eyes widened as I looked at the photo. It was of me, last night. A surveillance camera had captured my face clearly. I was in the place where the race had ended, in Harris’ arms. His face was clearly visible too, but my damn features were perfectly recognizable.
Shane walked past me before I could stop him and entered the house, just like that.
I stood frozen for a second, wondering if it wouldn’t be better to just run away because I didn’t want to be a part of what was about to happen in my living room.
Running was definitely out of the question, not when I heard Harris going berserk.
I immediately shut the door and sprinted into the living room.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
I managed to jump in front of Harris before he could attack Shane, who casually pulled out his gun and showed it to Harris.
“Don’t be stupid, Stone. I’m in no mood to put a bullet in you that I’ll have to report later.”
Harris hadn’t been angry at Adam’s appearance, I could see that now. Adam had frustrated him at best. Shane, on the other hand, had activated that criminal, dangerous side of him.
As if Shane was a danger to me, Harris grabbed me and pulled me behind him.
“What are you doing in her house?”
I could feel his vibrating anger running down his spine. Adam stood up and eyed them both warily.
Shane didn’t answer, just showed Harris the picture, and I felt my boyfriend tense up as Shane smirked.
“You guys are always changing the damn location, but I got you this time. And look how beautiful Katherine looks in this photo.”
I walked past Harris and looked at him, while anger began to burn inside me as well. I had been so stupid to trust that asshole.
“What do you want?” I asked.
He looked at me, the anger on my face wiping away his smirk.
“Nothing from you, Katherine. Actually, I just saved your ass. My lieutenant wanted to get a warrant out for your arrest, but I convinced him not to.” He immediately turned his gaze to Harris, and I knew he hadn’t done it for me.