Page 198 of Obsession

I swallowed my tears and went to the fridge to turn my back on him. At that moment, I heard Harris’ car drive away. He’d probably waited to make sure all hell didn’t break loose immediately.

I took out a water bottle, even though a cup of coffee would have helped more.

When I turned back to my father, he was already looking at me.

Completely creepy.

I sat down next to him.

“You didn’t tell me you had a new job,” I started the conversation, pointing at his uniform.

I’d known since I’d found it in the laundry bin.

He frowned at me.

“I’m having a hell of a time keeping my cool right now, Katherine, especially after the night I’ve had. We are not talking about my job right now.”

I sighed and opened the bottle.

“That was Harris, I was with him last night.”

The fist on the table clenched. He didn’t need to ask what we’d done, the bite marks on my neck told a pretty clear story.

“And why did you turn off your cell phone?”

“My battery died.”

He held out his hand.

“I want to see it.”


I took it out of my pocket and handed it to him, and he quickly turned it on, but it seemed like my guardian angel had finally woken up from his slumber and decided to help me at least once, because my battery was really dead and wouldn’t turn on.

My dad handed it back to me and rubbed his palms over his face.

“You’re eighteen, I’ll try to keep that in mind before I lock you in your room. I’m not saying you should not go out or have a relationship, but if you go out and I call, I want you to answer. You could have asked for a charger, so stop looking for excuses.

I swallowed my words and nodded.

“And him?” He jerked his head toward the window as if Harris was still there. “Out of everyone in this town, you had to pick the worst of them?”

That made me frown.

“You don’t know him, Dad. Don’t judge him by his car. He’s not some conceited kid born with money.”

“No, he’s worse than that, from what Josh told me. You think I didn’t ask around after you defended him?”

I struggled not to swallow because I was starting to hate his family again, that family that always had something to say about everyone.

“And what exactly did Josh say?” I asked mockingly, taking a sip of water.

His face was serious as he looked at me, then he sighed and stood up.

“It doesn’t matter, I know you well enough to know that you won’t listen to me no matter what I say.”

I pressed my lips together to stifle a smile, my father’s capitulation was funny because he was probably too exhausted to fight me.