Page 182 of Obsession

“You’re my new obsession, Katherine.”

His lips touched mine delicately.

“You… all of you! At first it was your body that drove me crazy, but now that I’m starting to really know you, now that you’re starting to show me who you are and…” he paused to taste my lips and I held my breath because I wanted him to finish his sentence, I wanted to know what he was thinking, “…you’re everything I have ever wanted.”

His mouth claimed me completely.

It pressed, bit, and even devoured my breath as I clung to his shoulders to withstand his savage, territorial assault. Harris had kissed me forcefully many times before, but there was something different now, something definite and ferocious, as if he wanted to mark something as his forever.

Damn, this was exactly what I was beginning to feel. It was barely the first night we’d decided to give each other a real chance, and I was already losing myself in his touch.

He held me in his arms and glued me to him while I pressed my hands to his chest and felt his heart pounding violently, quickening with every breath that passed through our tangled lips. He let out an animalistic growl, still pressed against my mouth, then suddenly pulled back and squeezed my hips in his fists, panting.

He exhaled deeply, then opened my door.

“Get in before I literally do what you asked me to do earlier.”

I frowned in confusion, since I’d probably asked for a lot of things.

“Eat you,” he spoke over my lips, then gave my ass a smack.

Laughing, I got in the car.

The engine howled as soon as he got in too, as he just pressed something on the steering wheel, then a small screen retracted under the logo.

“What’s that?” I leaned closer to see it better.

“The code of happiness,” he smiled, then slowly touched the logo again and the very small screen appeared, showing numbers from 0 to 9 and a fingerprint scanner.

My eyes widened.

“This car starts with your fingerprint?”

He laughed.

“Yes, my fingerprint or a cipher, but I like to use the numbers when I’m not in a hurry.”

“That’s why you call it the code of happiness?” I inferred, amused, and he winked.


He pressed a button on the dashboard and the engine silently cut out, then Harris grabbed my hand.

“Come here.”

I stretched closer to him, curiosity coursing through me as he whispered in my ear,


Smiling, I pressed the numbers on the screen and the car started like an alien ship as Harris revved the engine and I laughed.

“That’s the code that makes you instantly happy and takes your mind off everything.”

Considering the way he drove his car; I couldn’t argue with him.

I laughed again at one of my own thoughts.

“You don’t want to know what I thought at first when you pulled that stunt in the parking lot.”