Page 171 of Obsession

Arousal instantly warmed my skin, caused by the sensation of the moment and the way I had the demon right in front of them, but no one could see it.

I ran my fingers through his hair and deepened the kiss. His groan passed through my lips and Harris pressed my hip into his palm.

We managed to pause before we did anything else, right there.

“Where have you been until now?” he whispered over my lips, and the emotional charge in his words made even my bones shake.

He said it like he’d been waiting an eternity.

I didn’t get a chance to reply in any way – I wouldn’t have known how anyway – because Jay opened the door and grabbed him by his arm to pull him out of the car.

I started laughing as he yanked him off me, then I was pulled out the same way by V, who immediately unclasped the seatbelts.

“For fuck’s sake, how are you still intact?”

She looked at me as if she expected to see my ghost, and I continued to laugh.

“So you expected me to reach the finish line in pieces?”

She laughed.

“No, I just know what it means to be in the passenger seat of that demon. I’ve only done it once and I’m pretty sure I vomited my guts up afterward.”

I laughed even louder. My nausea had faded, but I was still full of adrenaline. I almost rattled, and when I looked at Harris, he was already watching me, even if he was being mobbed by other people.

V leaned down and whispered devilishly in my ear,

“The only time Amber had the guts to get in the car, she made him stop at about six hundred feet. He didn’t really lose because he didn’t really compete, but it still pissed him off. He never took another girl in the car after that.”

I raised an eyebrow, then she put an arm around my shoulder and grinned.

“He’s going to eat you alive tonight, I hope you’re ready.”

I barely had time to widen my eyes at her words when I was torn away from her and heard her laughter. Harris grabbed me by the hips and lifted me above his head, and I was still thinking about how he was going to eat me when the guy who had the money before the bets came up to Harris, holding the entire sum in his hand.

“Give it to Ty,” he said simply, without looking at him, then lowered me until our faces were level. “You’re my prize,” he growled over my lips before kissing me savagely.

I wrapped my feet around him and ran my fingers through his hair. I had only been one step away from death, so I deserved my kiss.

The crowd roared around us.

“Congrats, champ,” I heard Ken behind us.

We broke away from each other smiling and I looked at him, but Harris wouldn’t let go of me.

“You too. For a rookie, you amazed me!”

Ken smiled.

“The jump shocked me, but the light thing fucking scared me, you disappeared in a second,” Ken spoke as he admired Harris’ car.

I turned my attention to my winner.

“So it seems I was your lucky charm after all,” I whispered, wrapping my arms around his neck.

“Lucky is not the right word, it’s too simple. I’m not really interested in the win, but that you were right there with me until the end, that you resisted and… hell, you were mesmerized by it.”

He leaned over my neck, growled across my skin, bit me, then pressed a kiss to the bite. I thought it was an animalistic reaction, triggered by happiness and arousal, a gesture that radiated pure masculinity, which made me laugh.