I wondered if they hadn’t seen him at all today. Had he come straight for me after getting rid of the police?
He turned towards the car, better said: towards me, and the people around him noticed his move, figuring out that he wasn’t alone.
A naughty smile coated his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest, scolding me with his stare. Even if he couldn’t see me, he knew exactly where I was. His friends were growingsuspicious, probably asking themselves what sort of specimen lay inside the demon’s car. Amber would have certainly been all over him by now.
I wasn’t going to play the queen and clearly didn’t want to risk being picked up and taken out of the car against my will, because he looked like that was what he was about to do.
A deep sigh left my lungs as I tried to calm down and I undid my seatbelt. My hand sat unsurely over the door’s opening mechanism. I pushed it more and flinched when I wanted to step out. From under Harris’ car came a strange light, neon green, just like the one on the dashboard. I hadn’t seen it before, and it made me smile.
I got out of the car.
A graveyard-like silence took over the space. Now I knew how an alien amongst humans felt. Harris was the only one smiling, as if he had analyzed the way I had looked while getting out of his car and he liked it.
I was still behind the door, unsure whether to close it or get back inside.
Harris lazily stepped towards me, grabbing the top side of the door as he pulled me next to him, then pushing it closed.
He took me into his arms and his gaze burned all the way through my core, my heart pounding faster in my chest.
“And now you’ll see what fun really means!”
He displayed that maddening smile of his and, in the next second, he gripped the back of my throat, pulling me closer to him and gluing his warm lips to mine, kneading them into a sensual yet wild kiss that stirred another wave of whistles and joy around us. I was entirely in his arms.
A clear warning couldn’t exist. I was with him, or…his, and everyone had to know it immediately.
I was starting to get used with him. I preferred to kiss him like that to avoid another fight, even if the feminist inside me scrunched her nose at this masculine show of domination.
Making a scene in front of everyone wouldn’t help. Plus, I couldn’t resist Harris’ lips anymore and I struggled not to wrap my arms around his neck, especially when his hands started caressing my back.
Eventually, he broke away from the kiss, that naughty smile still on his lips, and I could breathe again.
“Welcome to my world,” he whispered over my lips, and I slowly gulped, turning my eyes towards the crowd gathered around us.
His worldwasn’t a place everyone could face. Not even I. I had spent the period of time amongsttoxicoutlaws, but not at this level. There were races and illegal circuits in New York as well, but I wasn’t part of the group who participated in them. I used to spend most of my time on street corners or vandalizing shops and fast foods. Harris’ world represented the high class of vandalism.
He took my hand and led me towards his group, and I was relieved to see that the show I was the star off had ended and everyone had gone back to their previous activity.
“Welcome to our group, blondie,” Jay greeted joyfully, putting an arm around my shoulder in a brotherly manner, then ruffling my hair.
I mumbled something while rearranging my hair, but I couldn’t hold in my laughter, especially when I saw Harris throw Jay a criminal glare. The guy turned small, faking innocence.
“Don’t hit me,” he pleaded, bending down, and raising his arms in surrender.
“Don’t hit?! You know I always hit,” Harris growled with macabre amusement and threw himself at Jay, staring a play fight.
Jay was shorter than Harris, and he tried to get out from underneath him and take him down, but his chances of achieving it were rather small.
I started laughing as I watched them. It was surprising and beautiful to see Harris like that, smiling happily and having fun, even if, no matter how hard he tried, something from his serious expression still remained imprinted on his face, making him seem terrifyingly attractive. My attention turned to a new figure, already known by now. Ken made his appearance with a tired smile plastered onto his face, with Ty’s arm around his neck.
“Our hero,” the redhead yelled out.
Ken seemed extremely embarrassed, and he tried to make Ty shut up.
Everyone applauded and, even if it reminded me of the incident from this morning, I did the same and decided it was time to talk to him. Ty brought him to me before I could go to him.
Harris was still play-fighting with Jay, but I noticed his smile when he saw Ken. Were they friends already?
“Hey, Kath, here’s your savior,” Ty spoke a bit too loudly.