“Kath, why?”
“My name is Katherine Wrise,” I bellowed dramatically.
Kristen said nothing for a moment, then burst out laughing. I gave her an angry look, crossed my arms, and tapped my foot on the tiles.
“That’s not funny,” I replied.
“Yes, it is,” she couldn’t stop laughing.
I growled and was about to throw a roll of toilet paper at her head.
“There you are. God, I have been looking all over for you,” Candice entered the bathroom, breathing heavily. “What’s so funny?” I frowned at the talking tomato, clearly not laughing.
Kristen was the only one who thought it was funny.
“We’ll tell you later, and now let’s get out of here. Enough school for one day,” Kristen decided, trying to stifle her laughter as she pulled us both out of the bathroom.
“We’re skipping class on the first day?” Candice asked, looking a little startled.
“First good thing today,” I muttered.
“What if we get caught?” the redhead asked.
“We won’t. We don’t even have classes today,” I replied, rolling my eyes as we waited for the boys to bring the car out.
Despite my distracted state of mind, I was impatient to leave immediately. I knew high school wasn’t going to get off to a good start, but I didn’t expect it to be this bad. It was like I had moved to another planet, not another town. People were either weird and curious or scary and nosy. I missed New York more than ever.
I had escaped the demon’s gaze and wanted to stay as far away from him as possible.
“Fudge … um, girls?” I heard Candice whisper, Kristen and I turned to face her, and a gasp escaped me as I saw a black hole coming towards us…. fast.
That was all I saw and nothing else. Absolute blackness, like a cold void, ready to either swallow me up or tear me to pieces. It was an image straight out of a horror movie, in which hell broke loose at the crack of dawn.
There was no stopping him. The speed continued to increase, making my heart rise into my throat. Kristen swerved a few steps to the left to avoid the impact, and Candice literally jumped up, sprinting across the parking lot, trying to find a safe spot. If I had not been paralyzed, I would have laughed, but I couldn’t move. Besides, I didn’t want him to win.
He wanted to play?Let’s play!
I clenched my fists and looked through the tinted window. I couldn’t see him, but he was definitely watching my every move.
The speed didn’t slow down, quite the opposite, and soon I would be just a speck on the asphalt. What if he lost control of the car? Or what if he was crazier than I thought and didn’t care if he hit me?
“Katherine!” Someone yelled, but I didn’t move.
I gasped as the car got too close, but things took an unexpected turn when the wheels screeched, and the car suddenly turned left. I was about to be crushed by the passenger door when I saw the demonic wing coming towards me. The air caught in my throat and the wheels ate into the cement, leaving black marks, smoke, and dust caused by the brakes.
There was still a danger that it could hit me, but that didn’t happen, and the demonic car came to a stop right next to me.
The roar of the engine caused goose bumps all over my body, my breathing was heavy, and my heart threatened to burst. I had just seen my life flash before my eyes.
I turned when I heard the automatic sound of the window rolling down. The car was inches away from me and I was tempted to kick it, but I would have been sorry because it was achingly beautiful.
Fucking crazy lunatic.
The blond guy from earlier stuck his head out the window. The spikes in his hair were probably held together by two tubes of gel.
“Hey, doll, didn’t your mom teach you not to stand in front of cars?” he grinned, pushing himself further out and holding onto the ceiling.
I gritted my teeth.