All that included, Joshua was in bad shape, and the other guy – whose name, I found out, was Ken – didn’t come out of the brawl without bruises. So, the principal had to call the police, who arrested all three of them immediately.
I couldn’t avoid a visit to the nurse, because the whole thing started because I felt faint. But luckily for me, the nurse wasn’t that prepared or interested because she didn’t figure out what was causing my nausea. After an ice pack and a painkiller, she let me go and advised me to eat more.
I still needed drugs, but the anxiety I had felt earlier helped me cope somehow
When I came out of the nurse’s office, the students were already in their next class, so I went into the first restroom and immediately called Shane.
I waited for him to answer and tapped my foot anxiously, I had to tell him what I had found out.
“Kath, I’m a bit busy…”
“I know who was in my house,” I said before he could finish his sentence.
“Hang on a minute.”
I did and sighed. I moistened my hand and placed it on my neck, the cool feeling felt good.
I could only hear muffled sounds through my phone. He was talking to someone, but I couldn’t make out anything.
“I’m listening.”
“There’s this guy at my school, his name is Joshua. I had problems with him the first week, then Harris beat him up. Today he attacked me again.”
“He attacked you? Are you okay?”
I brought my cold hand to my forehead.
“Yes, I am now, I was lucky. I wanted to tell you something else. He, Harris, and another guy were picked up by the police twenty minutes ago. Harris beat him up pretty bad again.
“What’s his full name?”
“I don’t … I have no idea,” I gritted my teeth in frustration.
“I’ll find out but are you sure he’s the one who was in your house?”
I stared at the ceiling, trying to gather my thoughts.
“There’s something… frighteningly strange about him. He keeps trying to take me away, I have no idea where, but it’s like he’s trying to kidnap me. I’m sure he wants to hurt me, and he hates Harris.”
“To kidnap you? Did he try that at school?”
“Yes. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s the second time something like this has happened.”
“Hmm,” Shane’s voice rang out, and his tone told me he didn’t like what he was hearing. As we spoke, I could hear him typing. “Joshua Wallard?”
I frowned.
“I have no idea what his last name is.”
“Yes, that’s him, he was just brought into the station and is being questioned now. I know him pretty well, he’s been through here before.”
It seemed to me that his tone had suddenly changed.
“You were right, Katherine, he does have reasons to hate Harris.”
I felt a cold shiver run down my spine and leaned against the wall.
“Tell me what happened.”