“You see, bitch? He just wants to play with you a little. I’m the one he really cares about.”
Amber came at me with a sneer. I swallowed angrily. I wanted to protest, but she was right. I allowed myself to be played by this two-faced asshole.
Harris’ expression was confused. I could feel his anger growing. Attack anything but his dignity. Well, I had mine too. He wanted to speak, but I went first, snorting as I pretended to be amused by the situation, which I wasn’t in the least.
Something tugged at me incessantly, and I fought that familiar shitty feeling. I hid behind my shield of anger to protect myself.
“Listen to me, you stupid cunt,” I growled, stepping closer to her after I broke free from his friends’ grip. “I have told you before, but your little brain filled with false eyelashes and pom-poms can’t seem to understand. I know he wants to play with me, but I am not going to fall into his trap like you did! Do you really think he loves you? If so, then I feel sorry for you, because that means you really are stupid.”
I finished my monolog with a sad look, causing everyone around us to burst out laughing.
“You…” she suddenly growled with a face that looked like an angry kitten, trying to grab my hair.
Jay was still beside me, and he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me out of her way in an almost comical way. I knew he was amused by the whole situation, but I tore myself away from him and stepped closer to her again. I was more than happy to have this fight with her. We had been dragging it out for too long already.
“Easy, easy, let’s keep calm ladies,” Jay stopped us and put his hands on our shoulders.
Harris, who seemed to have been in a trance until then, had come to his senses and stood between Amber and me.
“Enough of this,” he ordered, then pulled me into his arms.
I couldn’t believe he dared to do that after everything he’d done.
“Get your hands off me,” I spoke softly so only he could hear me, but I was sure everyone heard.
“I said get your hands off me,” I interrupted angrily, pulling myself out of his arms.
“What the fuck, Harris?!” I heard V as I turned around.
I made my way to the entrance, avoiding everyone, and Harris seemed smart enough not to follow me.
That was it!
That was the end of it.
I had been stupid enough.
My eyes were burning, and I felt the need to punch something, anything, but I didn’t want to make a scene that would attract any more attention. I bit my tongue to stifle the tears.
I had hoped… hell, I had really hoped that it would be something else, that he would be something else. That it would not all be just another lie, another fake person who made me feel special and then walked all over me.
When I realized that what Harris had done was almost as painful as what my mother had done, I realized how attached I was to him.
I had to go over my heart, to drain out all the poison he had injected into me in the last few days.
Happiness and love were not for me, and I had to learn that lesson.
I could feel that everyone was behind me and that made my blood pressure rise even higher. I quickly grabbed my history book from my locker and flinched when Harris came up next to me.
I pressed my lips together and turned to leave, but after the first step my wrist was grabbed and he pushed me against a locker, just like yesterday, only now there was no arousal involved, just burning anger.
“Let go of me,” I growled between my teeth, resisting his grip.
“What are you doing? You’re ruining it after what we had last night?”
I raised my eyes to his. Inches separated us and I could feel his breath on my skin.