Page 114 of Obsession

“Iolanda told me everything that happened, she’s all on Harris’s side.”

I smiled briefly.

“So am I.”

“I noticed,” he narrowed his eyes at me. “She also said he’s a very nice boy, but why do I get the impression that he’s anything but nice.”

“Because you only know him from what the detective said. It looks to me like he’s got a dead case and he’s trying to find someone to pin it on because otherwise he doesn’t know who threw the boy off the building.”

My father looked at the floor for a few seconds, then ran his fingers through his hair.

“I’d ask what he was doing in the house, but I’ll spare myself that conversation.”

He looked at me with evil seriousness.

“Dad, please, trust me.”

He sighed.

“I do trust you but promise me you’ll be smart this time and not get yourself into trouble. Not in this town.”

I nodded and tried to remain serious.

He looked at his watch and told me he had to go. At that moment, I remembered Kristen and Candice.

I ran to the door, thinking they were probably already gone, but Kristen’s car was still in the same spot. I waved for them to come in.

The detective was already gone, he didn’t stop to question any of my neighbors, but that did not mean he wouldn’t come back to do it.

As if my day wasn’t already the shittiest ever, my doll was howling as loud as it could. Kristen had shoved it in the backpack and locked it in the trunk so my neighbors couldn’t hear it.

“Thank God you came! Make that thing shut up before someone calls the police because there’s a baby crying in my trunk.”

I took it out, and since it didn’t want any of the things they had tried, I turned it over and took the lid off. It stopped crying when my fingerprint touched the “mommy” square. Thank the gods it didn’t need daddy.

After a sigh of relief, I noticed my friends looking at me with wide eyes. They wanted to know the details, of course.

“Can we go in first?” I asked them.

“Not until you tell me what in God’s name you did to get a visit from… that.”

I raised an eyebrow in confusion.


Kristen punched me in the shoulder while Candice grinned like a perverted, red-headed devil.

“You know what I mean. I think he’s the most handsome man I’ve ever seen. I’m green with envy that I didn’t go in with you.”

“You mean the detective?”

“No, I mean your neighbor with the two kids,” she snapped at me again, but this time I returned the blow because it was annoying.

“Kill someone, you’re sure to get a visit,” I whispered.

They both gasped, and I started laughing as I motioned for them to follow me. Candice’s mouth was already full of questions.

I hadn’t had time to analyze Shane Walker’s attractiveness, not when I knew what he was after. Maybe he would have been cute if he had not tried to turn me into a rat. And, frankly, I’d had enough of good-looking men.