“Yeah. There aren’t many guys with your hair, are there?”
“What kind of car did he drive?”
The game was sapping more and more of my strength, and when I saw a cab pull up outside the building, I tried to get out of his car, but he quickly grabbed my hand.
“Let go of me, Harris.”
“You’re not going anywhere after you told me someone was following you.”
I tried to pull my hand out of his grip, but he wouldn’t let it go.
“You don’t get to make decisions for me. Let go of me. Now!”
I yelled at him, but he hit the gas and turned the car around while still holding my hand. I gasped and almost slammed into him because the seatbelt wasn’t fastened.
“Harris!” I screamed again, but he did not let go of me until he was sure I couldn’t get out of the car. “You’re completely crazy! I want you to leave me the hell alone!” I continued to yell at him, while he just kept his permanent scowl on, and his attention fully focused on the road. “Harris, pull over right now and let me out of the car!”
“I’m just taking you home. It’s pouring.”
“Like you took me home earlier?” I continued to yell, because I wasn’t really scared of him, I was just angry because he was doing things without asking me first.
He didn’t react and just looked at the road. I wanted to punch him in the face.
“Would you rather I took you to a hospital?” he asked, too calmly for my liking.
“Yes. Anywhere would have been better than your bed.”
The corners of his mouth tilted up, and I mentally kicked myself. Back to the beginning.
“Now that you mention it, you’re the first girl I have taken to my bed and not touched.” I crossed my arms and looked at him, frowning.
“Am I supposed to be flattered or offended?”
He laughed. I was angry with him; I wasn’t in the mood to be mesmerized by the sound of his laughter.
“I don’t know, how do you feel?” He gave me a cheeky grin as I noticed out of the corner of my eye how fast he was driving.
“Like you stepped on my tail,” his smile didn’t falter.
“If I had done what was going through my head when I put you on my mattress, Katherine, your tail would feel anything but stepped on right now.”
“I was unconscious, I can only imagine what a perverted dick like you might have been thinking.”
“You have a very interesting idea about me, but you should know that I like my partner fully awake and an active participant. I don’t have a fetish for passed out women.”
“Well, you haven’t given me a chance to get a better picture of you,” I attacked.
“Then I should change that,” he replied, a suspicious smile settling on his lips.
Since I was angry and not at all in the mood for perverted conversation with him, I decided to keep my mouth shut and not respond to any more of his dares.
“The guy in the store, do you think it could have been Joshua?” his tone changed again, and I wrinkled my nose.
“No, it wasn’t him.”
He looked at me, and my face made his eyebrows draw together.
“Katherine, why would I have done that? What could I possibly gain from following you around a store?”