What was wrong with me? I was an undeniable magnet for trouble. I wanted to dive headfirst to where the danger was greatest.
Something was making me uncomfortable, pressing into my abdomen, and I realized it was coming from his back. I couldn’t say exactly what, because it was hidden under his T-shirt, but it was hard and had a strange shape.
As the speed increased and the situation became dangerous, Harris leaned even further forward and pulled me with him. We were already out of his neighborhood, darting between cars on the highway while I feared we’d crash at any moment. I felt like I was in a whirlwind, and I clung to him because I knew that at that moment, he was the only one who could get me home safely. Maybe it hurt him because my hands went numb from clinging to him so tightly. But instead of protesting, I felt a giggle run through his body.
He was deliberately driving like a madman just to annoy me. And while it was clear that he was an amazing driver, I didn’t want to admit it out loud. His ego was already big enough without my praise.
“Relax,” he shouted, turning his head slightly towards me.
The smile he put on could have killed me faster than the motorcycle going 200 miles an hour.
“Easy for you to say,” I shouted back, but he probably didn’t hear me.
He didn’t turn back around but took one of my arms and intertwined his fingers with mine, giving me a reassuringsqueeze. My heart skipped a few beats in my chest as I swallowed down the painful dryness in my throat. I allowed myself to look at my surroundings, savoring the crazy adrenaline and incredible sensations. My body relaxed, but he didn’t let go of my hand, and in that moment, I knew…. I had started to fall.
Just like the quote on his page said: it was so easy to fall for him.
Frighteningly easy.
I recognized the houses in my neighborhood, and I let out a sigh of relief because it was almost over, the drive having gone by faster than I expected.
On the last bend, he loosened his grip, and I felt my heart fly out of my chest as the bike leaned dangerously low to the left and my knee almost touched the ground. I screamed in panic and tugged at his T-shirt as if to right the bike, but he just laughed. Of course, this was just another maneuver to annoy me. I punched him angrily on the shoulder while he was still laughing. I would have cursed too, but I wasn’t sure if he could hear me.
Relief washed over me, and I thanked the gods as the bike regained its balance and came to a halt after a few more feet. The engine was reduced to silence like a monster who suddenly became quiet.
We were in front of my house, but I couldn’t tear myself away from him. I was petrified, and my skin burned as heavy breaths left my lungs.
“Is that your way of telling me you want another ride?” he chuckled, looking down at the hands clutching his T-shirt.
Startled, I took my hands off him and jumped off the monster bike. He caught my arm to steady me before I fell again. I struggled to get the helmet off, although I didn’t have much luck and he had to help me. With an amused grin, he pulled it off my head so that I could breathe a sigh of relief.
I ran my fingers through my hair and looked up at the sky, thankful to whatever deity was up there that I was still alive. Suddenly I realized something.
“How did you know where I lived?” I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.
“I have my connections,” he winked, pulling me closer to him as he sat on the bike.
His face was dangerously close to mine again, and why was it driving me crazy to see him on the bike?
His eyes were still tired, but absolutely stunning in the sunlight. The black in them was less intense, and little flecks of silver played in his irises, making my knees shake. I was dying to know what color they really were. His hair had dried up, all tousled from the ride, and it made him inhumanly sexy. I still wanted to run my fingers through it.
He leaned closer to my face, closed his eyes, and stroked my cheek with his nose. His touch felt like electricity on my skin.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he whispered, his lips gently touching my cheek before he pushed away from me to start the engine.
He winked at me, adjusted his position on the bike and drove off like a flash, leaving a cloud of dust behind him. I watched him disappear, unable to move, and rubbed my arms, realizing that I had been freezing during the ride, but I hadn’t noticed before because he kept me burning.
What had just happened?
He was the most… terrifying boy I’d ever met.
I was attracted to him, but he already thought he owned me, and I wasn’t going to take that lying down. I liked this game now that I knew its rules.
I went inside, still massaging my arms. My skin was cold, and I couldn’t believe that I had practically been on fire until a few seconds ago. The even better part was that my jacket was inmy locker at school, just like my other clothes.Awesome! Like I said, it was all Harris’ fault… well, not everything, but I enjoyed blaming him for everything.
“Where do you think you’re going, miss?” I heard my father’s exasperated voice and stopped dead in my tracks.
I closed my eyes briefly, then turned to look at him as he analyzed me, a frown on his face as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. He waved his index finger at me and showed me the way to the living room. I let out a deep sigh and descended the few steps I had climbed.