Page 295 of Obsession


I sat there, hand over my mouth, making sure I didn’t make a sound.

They’d caught him.

Shane had freed him, and Harris’s gang had gotten their hands on him already. That’s why he’d stormed out like that. Of course, how stupid could I be not to realize that?

“You know what’s funny? You really thought you could get away from me. Where were you going to go?”

Harris leaned toward him and shoved his hand into Joshua’s hair, who was barely blinking now as his face was covered in blood, his wrists tied with rope behind the chair.

Harris was… unrecognizable. That sadistic, malevolent grin was not his. His hands were bloody, a sign that he was the one who’d done the damage to Joshua’s face in the few minutes he’d been there.

“Please...” was all Joshua could reply as the smirk on Harris’ face turned to pure, genuine rage.

He stood up and punched him in the face again, causing me to bring my other hand to my mouth as well. Joshua’s blood spurted from his nose and fell to the ground as he seemedunconscious for a moment. The force of Harris’ punch almost brought the chair down, but he was still holding on to Joshua’s hair.

The blow sounded like a bang, and I could have sworn I heard bones cracking. If he hit him like that a few more times, he would die.

Just like his brother had died.

“No problem, I’ll make you talk,” Harris said as he let go of him.

Joshua spat up a mouthful of blood and then groaned in pain as he fought to stay awake.

“Joshua, don’t be stupid. Just tell him what he wants to know. You know what he can do to you,” Mike spoke.

The look on his face was inappropriate because he was shirtless and had lipstick stains on his neck. They all looked devastated after the party, but they were there, sitting around Joshua like Harris’s personal guards.

Now I understood why Shane was going so hard against him. They’d never let on that Harris was their leader, not like that, but now I could feel the tension in the room through their posture.

“He doesn’t know, he’s never had the chance to find out.”

Harris had his back turned to me, and I didn’t see what he was doing until he turned to Joshua. He was holding a strange, sharp object that looked like a claw, but upon seeing it better I realized there were four of them, attached to brass knuckles.

First he pulled a black leather glove over his left hand, then, as he added the second item and balled up his first, only those fearsome claws remained.

Joshua seemed to have regained consciousness and began to stir when he saw them.

“No, please, Harris, please, I swear I didn’t...”

Harris lunged at Joshua and ripped his T-shirt, then ran his claws across his chest. Blood spurted out and Joshua howled rabidly in Harris’s hands as Jay and Mike grabbed his arms to hold him down.

“You thought you could play with me, motherfucker? With what I love? You thought you could get your revenge through Katherine, huh? I told you then that you’d suffer a much more painful death than Marcus, didn’t I? You didn’t listen.”

As Joshua screamed, Harris reached out to Ty, who handed him a small bottle of milky liquid, which he poured directly over the wound, and all hell broke loose.

I turned my head, unable to watch any longer. Joshua’s screams sounded like pure agony as Harris pressed his hand over his mouth until his jaw was all crooked. His wound was foaming and smoking as the torn skin began to disintegrate. The fumes reached me and I immediately felt like I was going to puke because it smelled like rotting flesh.

God, it was acid. Acid poured over a bleeding wound.

As Joshua seemed to lose consciousness from the pain, Ken approached him with a bottle of water and poured it over his chest. It didn’t numb the pain, but it seemed to have stopped the decomposition momentarily. Four horrible cuts remained.

I could tell from Joshua’s face that it was the most excruciating pain a human could endure, because he began to cry and beg as Harris exposed his mouth.

He was the one who had stalked me for days, like a psycho. He had invaded my house and scared me, wanting revenge by using me in a cruel way. He had threatened and beaten up my friend, he had also threatened his sister… he had done so many things and probably much more, but it was hard to think about all that while I watched him. His face wasn’t the same. He wasn’t the same asshole that had attacked me.

He was in Harris’s claws now – literally – and he knew what that meant.