I took his face in my palms and pulled him towards me.
“I’m yours, asshole. Every cell in my body moves and acts according to your wishes. Sometimes I feel like I wasn’t even alive before I met you. That’s how much I feel like I’m yours.”
His satisfied grin made even his eyes sparkle.
“That’s more like it,” he moaned against my lips, then kissed me.
Then he stood up. Ah, I wanted to kill him.
“Don’t come out until I get you, okay? And lock the door so no one barges in.”
The stupidity of his sentence caught my attention.
“What, I’m not locking myself in here. I’m coming with you.”
I tried to get off the bed, but Harris put his hands on my shoulders and stopped me.
“No, baby, please wait for me. I want to stay here longer, not go to the party.”
To do what?I wanted to yell at him.
“Who called you?”
“Mike,” he answered a little too quickly, almost as if he’d already thought about the lie.
Mike my ass. I am sure it was more than that, that’s why he wanted to lock me in the room like I was some kind of dangerous animal.
“What happened?”
He looked at me and then shook his head.
“I don’t know yet, but he asked me to go downstairs right away. He sounded serious, and Mike is never serious when he’s drunk.”
He was lying to me.
God, it was so easy to see it that it made all the alcohol fizzle out in me.
He’d promised me he’d never lie to me no matter what, and now I watched him do it without batting an eye. The look on his face after he’d answered the phone had told me that he’d been given an explanation and knew exactly why he was leaving the room.
“I promise I will be back quickly.”
I didn’t answer him. I didn’t even look at him.
He sighed, straightened his back and left.
“Lock the door behind me and don’t let anyone in.”
I nodded, then stood up to pull my damn dress back over my breasts.
“Katherine,” he called from the doorstep.
“What?” I blurted.
“I love you.”
I looked at him without blinking, then he went out and closed the door behind him.
I hadn’t gotten used to hearing him say that yet, and I wouldn’t anytime soon.